The programmers I know in real life want absolutely nothing to do with pascal. Sometimes I feel like I’m the last person on earth who still likes pascal.
You shouldn't feel this way. The Pascal family is getting bigger every day.
At least, I added two more people to the ring;
My 15-year-old son @aydın and my 9-year-old son Akif. Also, the people I know try to do everything with pascal.
Pascal is a great choice for beginners.
This was what pascal was invented for, teaching modular programming.
Basic was good, but spaghetti code initially.
Lazarus is an ide, a distraction, IMHO.
Some pascals have more or less disappeared, GNU, Virtual, Turbo.
Is anybody on the forum using vector pascal?
These things might be discussed in Spain.
The strict scoping rules are so different in pascal compared to say C or basic or C++.
But no matter, the modular aspect of pascal is important.
Saying that, too much pascal or basic will frighten youngsters off C++.
C and C++ are the building blocks of computer programming just now.
Is computer programming important to learn?
So many youngsters cannot code, but they are adept at using computers for other things.
A little knowledge of basic applied maths is good for programming.(a confidence booster)
Just like rote learning your arithmetic tables is a great confidence booster for Maths.
For a while in this country rote learning (the tables) was discouraged in education, thus there was a generation of kids who avoided doing maths.
But the tables have returned now in the main I believe.