I just tried to rebuild the HtmlViewer package using FPC 3.3.1 and Lazarus 3.99. I encountered a couple of errors, where it complains about missing overloads. The fix was relatively simple:
diff HtmlViewer/source/HTMLSubs.pas /lazarus/components/HtmlViewer/source/HTMLSubs.pas
< else if Self is TTableBlock and not TTableBlock(Self).Table.HeadOrFoot then {ordinary tables}
> else if (Self is TTableBlock) and (not TTableBlock(Self).Table.HeadOrFoot) then {ordinary tables}
diff HtmlViewer/source/htmlview.pas /lazarus/components/HtmlViewer/source/htmlview.pas
< else if Sender is TFontObj and not NoJump then
> else if (Sender is TFontObj) and (not NoJump) then
Apparently FPC 3.3.1 is more stringent with its evaluation order.
Where should a bug report for the Lazarus source be submitted? I looked at the GitHub repo... but it appears to be for the Delphi code base.