But the code might be smaller than the function overhead.
If all the methods are inlined, then if the amount of calls to readbyte and/or writebyte methods is more than > 2 in the project, the project size is increased more than if you didn't inline them. But if the amount of calls to readbyte and/or writebyte methods is <=2, then the project size is smaller than if you didn't inline them.
Now I'm little puzzled on what I should use .... Maybe a define. some ifdef's and inform the user of the buffer library, for the pros and cons of enabling inline or not .
I don't do much AVR work, mostly dspic. (in C, not Pascal). Dspic-E and -Cs have a 4 cycle branch, so inlining wins back 3 cycles before even anything else is done.
If by branch you mean conditional branch, then AFAIK, on AVR is 1 cycle if condition is false and 2 cycles if the condition is true ( instruction pointer needs to be loaded with new target ). No much gain in this regard . If you mean call or rcall then it's 4 cycles ( for the mcu's with 16 bit PC that is ) as the Dspic-E you use .