Forum > Jobs


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Daffy, I responded to your email, but haven't heard back.


--- Quote from: Rick on October 21, 2022, 09:03:15 pm ---Daffy, I responded to your email, but haven't heard back.

--- End quote ---

Because I get a mail sent failure error, I thought you blocked me.



--- Quote from: dbannon on October 21, 2022, 07:09:24 am ---Please don't post obfuscated links, its how spammers and other nasty types get innocent people like us here into trouble.

You can post images directly into the forum ....


--- End quote ---

Imagebb won’t let me see the direct link. I tried the forum upload but it won’t let me upload jpeg iPhone screenshots. Everything is annoyingly harder to do on phones

Daffy, I didn't block you. Email and other latent forms of communication are not the best. Just call me: 724-992-8695


--- Quote ---
I have tried upwork, the skill level there is seriously lacking. One guy took the project then disappeared. Two other said it’s difficult and they only do mobile dev. I didn’t entertain low quality profiles, perhaps I would’ve gotten lucky but I don’t think.

The response/quality here is much better not surprising.

--- End quote ---

Have horrible experience with upwork too. It is a new sort of slavery. Newer more.


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