>> settings set -- frame-format "frame #${frame.index}: ${frame.pc}, {${frame.sp}}, {${frame.fp}} &&//FULL: {${line.file.fullpath}} &&//SHORT: {${line.file.basename}} &&//LINE: {${line.number}} &&//MOD: {${module.file.basename}} &&//FUNC: {${function.name-with-args}} <<&&//FRAME\n"
(lldb) settings set -- frame-format "frame #${frame.index}: ${frame.pc}, {${frame.sp}}, {${frame.fp}} &&//FULL: {${line.file.fullpath}} &&//SHORT: {${line.file.basename}} &&//LINE: {${line.number}} &&//MOD: {${module.file.basename}} &&//FUNC: {${function.name-with-args}} <<&&//FRAME\n"
>> settings set -- thread-format "thread #${thread.index}: tid=${thread.id%tid}: ${frame.pc}, {${frame.sp}}, {${frame.fp}} &&//FULL: {${line.file.fullpath}} &&//SHORT: {${line.file.basename}} &&//LINE: {${line.number}} &&//MOD: {${module.file.basename}} &&//FUNC: {${function.name-with-args}} <<&&//FRAME{, stop reason = ${thread.stop-reason}}\n"
(lldb) settings set -- thread-format "thread #${thread.index}: tid=${thread.id%tid}: ${frame.pc}, {${frame.sp}}, {${frame.fp}} &&//FULL: {${line.file.fullpath}} &&//SHORT: {${line.file.basename}} &&//LINE: {${line.number}} &&//MOD: {${module.file.basename}} &&//FUNC: {${function.name-with-args}} <<&&//FRAME{, stop reason = ${thread.stop-reason}}\n"
>> settings set -- thread-stop-format "thread #${thread.index}: tid=${thread.id%tid}: ${frame.pc}, {${frame.sp}}, {${frame.fp}} &&//FULL: {${line.file.fullpath}} &&//SHORT: {${line.file.basename}} &&//LINE: {${line.number}} &&//MOD: {${module.file.basename}} &&//FUNC: {${function.name-with-args}} <<&&//FRAME{, stop reason = ${thread.stop-reason}}\n"
(lldb) settings set -- thread-stop-format "thread #${thread.index}: tid=${thread.id%tid}: ${frame.pc}, {${frame.sp}}, {${frame.fp}} &&//FULL: {${line.file.fullpath}} &&//SHORT: {${line.file.basename}} &&//LINE: {${line.number}} &&//MOD: {${module.file.basename}} &&//FUNC: {${function.name-with-args}} <<&&//FRAME{, stop reason = ${thread.stop-reason}}\n"
>> target stop-hook add -o "thread list"
(lldb) target stop-hook add -o "thread list"
Stop hook #1 added.
>> settings set -- stop-line-count-after 0
(lldb) settings set -- stop-line-count-after 0
>> settings set -- stop-line-count-before 0
(lldb) settings set -- stop-line-count-before 0
>> settings set -- stop-disassembly-count 0
(lldb) settings set -- stop-disassembly-count 0
>> settings set -- target.env-vars "USER=terrylou"
(lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "USER=terrylou"
>> settings set -- target.env-vars "__CFBundleIdentifier=lazarus.freepascal.ide"
(lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "__CFBundleIdentifier=lazarus.freepascal.ide"
>> settings set -- target.env-vars "COMMAND_MODE=unix2003"
(lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "COMMAND_MODE=unix2003"
>> settings set -- target.env-vars "LOGNAME=terrylou"
(lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "LOGNAME=terrylou"
>> settings set -- target.env-vars "PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
(lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
>> settings set -- target.env-vars "SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/private/tmp/com.apple.launchd.2CLBlN0mvq/Listeners"
(lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/private/tmp/com.apple.launchd.2CLBlN0mvq/Listeners"
>> settings set -- target.env-vars "SHELL=/bin/zsh"
(lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "SHELL=/bin/zsh"
>> settings set -- target.env-vars "HOME=/Users/terrylou"
(lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "HOME=/Users/terrylou"
>> settings set -- target.env-vars "__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2"
(lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2"
>> settings set -- target.env-vars "TMPDIR=/var/folders/_1/06b2vf514jzcvlvwt1vc979w0000gn/T/"
(lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "TMPDIR=/var/folders/_1/06b2vf514jzcvlvwt1vc979w0000gn/T/"
>> settings set -- target.env-vars "XPC_SERVICE_NAME=application.lazarus.freepascal.ide.18495974.18503029"
(lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "XPC_SERVICE_NAME=application.lazarus.freepascal.ide.18495974.18503029"
>> settings set -- target.env-vars "XPC_FLAGS=0x0"
(lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "XPC_FLAGS=0x0"
>> settings set -- target.env-vars "DISPLAY=:0"
(lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "DISPLAY=:0"
>> target create /Users/terrylou/Desktop/mac_backup/cudatext-src/src/CudaText/CudaText-master/app/builds/macos-cocoa/CodaText.app
(lldb) target create /Users/terrylou/Desktop/mac_backup/cudatext-src/src/CudaText/CudaText-master/app/builds/macos-cocoa/CodaText.app
Current executable set to '/Users/terrylou/Desktop/mac_backup/cudatext-src/src/CudaText/CudaText-master/app/builds/macos-cocoa/CodaText.app' (arm64).
>> settings clear target.run-args
(lldb) settings clear target.run-args
>> breakpoint set --func fpc_break_error -K false
(lldb) breakpoint set --func fpc_break_error -K false
Breakpoint 1: no locations (pending).
>> breakpoint set --func fpc_runerror -K false
WARNING: Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.
(lldb) breakpoint set --func fpc_runerror -K false
Breakpoint 2: no locations (pending).
>> breakpoint set --func fpc_raiseexception -K false
WARNING: Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.
(lldb) breakpoint set --func fpc_raiseexception -K false
Breakpoint 3: where = CodaText`FPC_RAISEEXCEPTION, address = 0x00000001000104e0
>> breakpoint command add 3
>> p/x $x0
>> p/x $x2
>> p ((char ***)$x0)[0][3]
>> p ((char **)$x0)[1]
>> version
(lldb) breakpoint command add 3
(lldb) version
>> breakpoint command add 2
>> p/x $x0
>> version
Apple Swift version 5.6.1 (swiftlang- clang-1316.0.20.12)
(lldb) breakpoint command add 2
(lldb) version
>> breakpoint command add 1
>> p/x $x0
>> version
Apple Swift version 5.6.1 (swiftlang- clang-1316.0.20.12)
(lldb) breakpoint command add 1
(lldb) version
>> breakpoint set --file cudatext.lpr --line 37
Apple Swift version 5.6.1 (swiftlang- clang-1316.0.20.12)
(lldb) breakpoint set --file cudatext.lpr --line 37
Breakpoint 4: no locations (pending).
>> breakpoint set --file atstreamsearch.pas --line 542
WARNING: Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.
(lldb) breakpoint set --file atstreamsearch.pas --line 542
error: CodaText {0x017215f3}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
Breakpoint 5: where = CodaText`TEXTFIND + 1540 at atstreamsearch.pas:542:9, address = 0x00000001003c9194
>> breakpoint set --file atbinhex_strproc.pas --line 120
(lldb) breakpoint set --file atbinhex_strproc.pas --line 120
Breakpoint 6: where = CodaText`SFINDTEXT + 600 at atbinhex_strproc.pas:120:9, address = 0x00000001003c9a68
>> breakpoint set --file formmain_updates_proc.inc --line 984
(lldb) breakpoint set --file formmain_updates_proc.inc --line 984
Breakpoint 7: where = CodaText`UpdateTree + 316 at formmain_updates_proc.inc:984:40, address = 0x000000010007d5cc
>> breakpoint set --file atstrings_editing.inc --line 104
(lldb) breakpoint set --file atstrings_editing.inc --line 104
Breakpoint 8: where = CodaText`TEXTINSERT + 116 at atstrings_editing.inc:104:10, address = 0x0000000100383394
>> process launch -n
(lldb) process launch -n
Process 14670 launched: '/Users/terrylou/Desktop/mac_backup/cudatext-src/src/CudaText/CudaText-master/app/builds/macos-cocoa/CodaText.app/Contents/MacOS/CodaText' (arm64)
Process 14670 stopped
* thread #1: tid=0x7f9c4: 0x0000000100383394, 0x000000016fdfe960, 0x000000016fdfec40 &&//FULL: /Users/terrylou/Desktop/mac_backup/cudatext-src/src/ATSynEdit/ATSynEdit-master/atsynedit/atstrings_editing.inc &&//SHORT: atstrings_editing.inc &&//LINE: 104 &&//MOD: CodaText &&//FUNC: TEXTINSERT(this=0x0000000107f59900, AX=0, AY=0, ATEXT=0x0000000107f7a7b0, AOVERWRITE=false, ASHIFT=(X = 0, Y = 0), APOSAFTER=(X = 0, Y = 0)) <<&&//FRAME, stop reason = breakpoint 8.1
thread #2: tid=0x7f9e2: 0x00000001ac8c472c, 0x000000016fe86fc0, 0x000000016fe86fe0 &&//FULL: &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
thread #3: tid=0x7f9e3: 0x00000001ac8c472c, 0x000000016ff12fc0, 0x000000016ff12fe0 &&//FULL: &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
thread #4: tid=0x7f9f6: 0x00000001ac8c472c, 0x000000016ff9eb30, 0x000000016ff9eb50 &&//FULL: &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
thread #5: tid=0x7f9ff: 0x00000001ac8c472c, 0x000000017002afc0, 0x000000017002afe0 &&//FULL: &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
thread #6: tid=0x7fa00: 0x00000001ac8c472c, 0x00000001700b6fc0, 0x00000001700b6fe0 &&//FULL: &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
thread #7: tid=0x7fa01: 0x00000001ac8c472c, 0x0000000170142fc0, 0x0000000170142fe0 &&//FULL: &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
thread #8: tid=0x7fa02: 0x00000001ac8c472c, 0x00000001701cefc0, 0x00000001701cefe0 &&//FULL: &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
thread #9: tid=0x7fa03: 0x00000001ac8c28b0, 0x0000000170259eb0, 0x0000000170259f00 &&//FULL: &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: mach_msg_trap <<&&//FRAME
This version of LLDB has no plugin for the language "pascal83". Inspection of frame variables will be limited.
Process 14670 stopped
* thread #1: tid=0x7f9c4: 0x0000000100383394, 0x000000016fdfe960, 0x000000016fdfec40 &&//FULL: /Users/terrylou/Desktop/mac_backup/cudatext-src/src/ATSynEdit/ATSynEdit-master/atsynedit/atstrings_editing.inc &&//SHORT: atstrings_editing.inc &&//LINE: 104 &&//MOD: CodaText &&//FUNC: TEXTINSERT(this=0x0000000107f59900, AX=0, AY=0, ATEXT=0x0000000107f7a7b0, AOVERWRITE=false, ASHIFT=(X = 0, Y = 0), APOSAFTER=(X = 0, Y = 0)) <<&&//FRAME, stop reason = breakpoint 8.1
frame #0: 0x0000000100383394, 0x000000016fdfe960, 0x000000016fdfec40 &&//FULL: /Users/terrylou/Desktop/mac_backup/cudatext-src/src/ATSynEdit/ATSynEdit-master/atsynedit/atstrings_editing.inc &&//SHORT: atstrings_editing.inc &&//LINE: 104 &&//MOD: CodaText &&//FUNC: TEXTINSERT(this=0x0000000107f59900, AX=0, AY=0, ATEXT=0x0000000107f7a7b0, AOVERWRITE=false, ASHIFT=(X = 0, Y = 0), APOSAFTER=(X = 0, Y = 0)) <<&&//FRAME
>> thread list
>> version
Target 0: (CodaText) stopped.
(lldb) thread list
Process 14670 stopped
* thread #1: tid=0x7f9c4: 0x0000000100383394, 0x000000016fdfe960, 0x000000016fdfec40 &&//FULL: /Users/terrylou/Desktop/mac_backup/cudatext-src/src/ATSynEdit/ATSynEdit-master/atsynedit/atstrings_editing.inc &&//SHORT: atstrings_editing.inc &&//LINE: 104 &&//MOD: CodaText &&//FUNC: TEXTINSERT(this=0x0000000107f59900, AX=0, AY=0, ATEXT=0x0000000107f7a7b0, AOVERWRITE=false, ASHIFT=(X = 0, Y = 0), APOSAFTER=(X = 0, Y = 0)) <<&&//FRAME, stop reason = breakpoint 8.1
thread #2: tid=0x7f9e2: 0x00000001ac8c472c, 0x000000016fe86fc0, 0x000000016fe86fe0 &&//FULL: &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
thread #3: tid=0x7f9e3: 0x00000001ac8c472c, 0x000000016ff12fc0, 0x000000016ff12fe0 &&//FULL: &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
thread #4: tid=0x7f9f6: 0x00000001ac8c472c, 0x000000016ff9eb30, 0x000000016ff9eb50 &&//FULL: &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
thread #5: tid=0x7f9ff: 0x00000001ac8c472c, 0x000000017002afc0, 0x000000017002afe0 &&//FULL: &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
thread #6: tid=0x7fa00: 0x00000001ac8c472c, 0x00000001700b6fc0, 0x00000001700b6fe0 &&//FULL: &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
thread #7: tid=0x7fa01: 0x00000001ac8c472c, 0x0000000170142fc0, 0x0000000170142fe0 &&//FULL: &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
thread #8: tid=0x7fa02: 0x00000001ac8c472c, 0x00000001701cefc0, 0x00000001701cefe0 &&//FULL: &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
thread #9: tid=0x7fa03: 0x00000001ac8c28b0, 0x0000000170259eb0, 0x0000000170259f00 &&//FULL: &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: mach_msg_trap <<&&//FRAME
(lldb) version
>> thread backtrace -c 5
>> version
Apple Swift version 5.6.1 (swiftlang- clang-1316.0.20.12)
(lldb) thread backtrace -c 5
* thread #1: tid=0x7f9c4: 0x0000000100383394, 0x000000016fdfe960, 0x000000016fdfec40 &&//FULL: /Users/terrylou/Desktop/mac_backup/cudatext-src/src/ATSynEdit/ATSynEdit-master/atsynedit/atstrings_editing.inc &&//SHORT: atstrings_editing.inc &&//LINE: 104 &&//MOD: CodaText &&//FUNC: TEXTINSERT(this=0x0000000107f59900, AX=0, AY=0, ATEXT=0x0000000107f7a7b0, AOVERWRITE=false, ASHIFT=(X = 0, Y = 0), APOSAFTER=(X = 0, Y = 0)) <<&&//FRAME, stop reason = breakpoint 8.1
* frame #0: 0x0000000100383394, 0x000000016fdfe960, 0x000000016fdfec40 &&//FULL: /Users/terrylou/Desktop/mac_backup/cudatext-src/src/ATSynEdit/ATSynEdit-master/atsynedit/atstrings_editing.inc &&//SHORT: atstrings_editing.inc &&//LINE: 104 &&//MOD: CodaText &&//FUNC: TEXTINSERT(this=0x0000000107f59900, AX=0, AY=0, ATEXT=0x0000000107f7a7b0, AOVERWRITE=false, ASHIFT=(X = 0, Y = 0), APOSAFTER=(X = 0, Y = 0)) <<&&//FRAME
frame #1: 0x0000000100348188, 0x000000016fdfec50, 0x000000016fdfee70 &&//FULL: /Users/terrylou/Desktop/mac_backup/cudatext-src/src/ATSynEdit/ATSynEdit-master/atsynedit/atsynedit_cmd_editing.inc &&//SHORT: atsynedit_cmd_editing.inc &&//LINE: 82 &&//MOD: CodaText &&//FUNC: DOCOMMAND_TEXTINSERTATCARETS(this=0x0000000105680d50, ATEXT=0x0000000107f7a7b0, AKEEPCARET=false, AOVRMODE=false, ASELECTTHEN=false) <<&&//FRAME
frame #2: 0x0000000100344e7c, 0x000000016fdfee80, 0x000000016fdfefb0 &&//FULL: /Users/terrylou/Desktop/mac_backup/cudatext-src/src/ATSynEdit/ATSynEdit-master/atsynedit/atsynedit_cmd_handler.inc &&//SHORT: atsynedit_cmd_handler.inc &&//LINE: 356 &&//MOD: CodaText &&//FUNC: DOCOMMAND(this=0x0000000105680d50, ACMD=150, ATEXT=0x0000000107f7a7b0) <<&&//FRAME
frame #3: 0x000000010034383c, 0x000000016fdfefc0, 0x000000016fdff0b0 &&//FULL: /Users/terrylou/Desktop/mac_backup/cudatext-src/src/ATSynEdit/ATSynEdit-master/atsynedit/atsynedit_cmd_handler.inc &&//SHORT: atsynedit_cmd_handler.inc &&//LINE: 75 &&//MOD: CodaText &&//FUNC: UTF8KEYPRESS(this=0x0000000105680d50, UTF8KEY=(length = '\x03', st = "中")) <<&&//FRAME
frame #4: 0x00000001001f6648, 0x000000016fdff0c0, 0x000000016fdff1c0 &&//FULL: /Users/terrylou/Lazarus/lazarus/lcl/include/wincontrol.inc &&//SHORT: wincontrol.inc &&//LINE: 6007 &&//MOD: CodaText &&//FUNC: DOUTF8KEYPRESS(this=0x0000000105680d50, UTF8KEY=(length = '\x03', st = "中")) <<&&//FRAME
(lldb) version
>> frame variable -P 1 -D 5
>> version
Apple Swift version 5.6.1 (swiftlang- clang-1316.0.20.12)
(lldb) frame variable -P 1 -D 5
(UNICODESTRING) ATEXT = 0x0000000107f7a7b0 {
*ATEXT = 20013
X = 0
Y = 0
X = 0
Y = 0
(UNICODESTRING) STR = 0x0000000000000000
(UNICODESTRING) STRLEAD = 0x0000000000000000
(UNICODESTRING) STRTAIL = 0x0000000000000000
(lldb) version
>> expression -T -- I
Apple Swift version 5.6.1 (swiftlang- clang-1316.0.20.12)
(lldb) expression -T -- I
error: need to add support for DW_TAG_base_type 'FormalDef' encoded with DW_ATE = 0x7, bit_size = 0
error: CodaText {0x008e4074}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
error: CodaText {0x008e4082}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
error: CodaText {0x008e4233}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
error: CodaText {0x008e3efb}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
PLEASE submit a bug report to https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/ and include the crash backtrace.
Stack dump:
0. Program arguments: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/lldb