Hi KodeZwerg,
Thanks for your suggestion... I should write some documentation. But instead, here is a brief description of how it works...
The config is stored in an .ini file. If you run the program with no .ini file it will create one.
I intended to include an .ini file in the zip, but it appears I forgot to do this; so I've attached an updated zip, which now includes an .ini file.
Here is the contents of the recommended .ini file:
CopyOptions=/COPY:DAT /E /R:0 /XA:SHO /XD "System Volume Information" "$RECYCLE.BIN"
LogOptions=/LOG:robocopy.log /V /NP
To configure alternate Robocopy options, you must edit the .ini file.
The GUI program preserves the options in the .ini file.
If the Robocopy command is not in the path on your PC, then you can edit the .ini file executable setting to include the full path to Robocopy, and the GUI will preserve this.
To call Robocopy to perform the copy, click the copy button.
To exit the GUI and save the source & destination folders, use the [Save & Exit] button.
To exit the GUI without saving the source & destination folders, use the [Quit] button.
There are two options that can be configured in the GUI:
1. Save settings
If you untick this, the source & destination folders are not saved in the .ini file, but all other settings are preserved.
2. Create a log file.
If you untick this, the GUI still preserves the log config in the .ini file; it just disables log file creation, by omitting the log options in the call to Robocopy.
I've also included this verbiage in a read-me file in the zip.
There is no installer; unzip, build, copy the folder to a suitable location, create a shortcut to the exe file, and copy the shortcut to your desktop/taskbar/startmenu.
This was never intended to be a big project, just a little program to help with my development backups. I thought others might find it useful.
Feel free to modify this program if you wish. There is no license, it is in the public domain.
Hope this helps.
regards, Mark.