
Author Topic: Compiler "raised exception internally" (Ultibo v. of compiler)  (Read 626 times)


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This is using Ultibo v2.3.0U of Lazarus, and [Verbose: Free Pascal Compiler version 3.3.1-11801-g3fe4fbf9c8 [2022/08/08] for arm]

Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. gpsa.pas(680,33) Error: Compilation raised exception internally
  2. Error: An unhandled exception occurred at $000000010BE4C10A:
  3. Error: EAccessViolation: Access violation
  4. Debug:   $000000010BE4C10A
  5. Debug:
  6. Verbose: Compilation aborted

While compiling - at line <. $04: DecodeDop(UMp); >
(That procedure is in another unit)

Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1.                case Arr[2] of        // MsgClass (MsgID is at Arr[3])
  2.                   $01: begin
  3.                          case Arr[3] of
  4.                           $07 : Decode_UBX_NAV_PVT(UMp);    //most frequent
  5.                           $20 : ; //Decode_UBX_NAV_TIMEGPS(UMp);
  6.                           $04 : DecodeDOP(UMp);
  7.                           $26 : ; //DecodeLeapSec(UMp);
  8.                           $32 : DecodeSBAS(UMp);
  9.                           $35 : DecodeSatInfo(UMp);
  10.                          end;
  11.                        end;

For now I've added < asm NOP end; > for cases $20: and $26 which resolves the issue for now.
Everyone talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it.
..Samuel Clemens.


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Re: Compiler "raised exception internally" (Ultibo v. of compiler)
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2022, 04:43:25 pm »
Please provide a full, self contained example that shows this problem (preferably without the Ultibo modifications) and report that as a bug.


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Re: Compiler "raised exception internally" (Ultibo v. of compiler)
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2022, 05:17:03 pm »
Please provide a full, self contained example that shows this problem (preferably without the Ultibo modifications) and report that as a bug.
Reported via Git.
Everyone talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it.
..Samuel Clemens.


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