Forum > KOL
KOL&MCK v3.23.4 for FPC v3.3.1 LAZARUS v2.3.0 x86_64-win64-win32/win64
Just adapted the working copy of KOL&MCK for LAZARUS v2.3.0 (FPC v3.3.1)
it can compile 64-bit programs, the visual part of MCK also works.
You can download from here
How did I do it?
Took the x64 version from
and added files and changes for mirror.pas,mck*.pas,.. from KOL-CE sources.
With Best Regards.
--- Quote from: commanderz on July 19, 2022, 09:32:08 pm ---You can download from here
--- End quote ---
No I can not. Error 404.
Indeed 404. But I am glad people are still interested in KOL and KOLMCK. (I was a core dev and wrote most of the wiki)
One remark: KOL 3.23 has already the - older - KOLCE code and is ready for 64 bit so what did you merge? Interesting...
Lately I could not compile KOL any more (since FPC 3.2.0) so I am interested. I have a stripped version available that removes a lot of defines, but still needs some work. I will contact Vladimir - KOL's main author -if he has any suggestions about your code. Like me, he abandoned KOL a bit.
Just fix visibility to public. Sorry ^_^
hello, can you add a trackbar component from KOLCCtrls and mckCCtrls for Lazarus
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