Well the log contains data ... good. But it's only useful, if you can reproduce.
The dwarf version is unlikely to be at fault.
My first *guess* is that some state in the debugger is not updated. And the watches fix it.
This could be setting context such as thread and stackframe.
Or reading of registers / maybe the bug also comes and goes with
- the register window open/closed
- the stack and/or thread window open/closed
The issue may also be dependent on the type of variable: global or local/field...
About reproducing.
Note that if you have a watch added to the watch window, it will likely still "fix" the issue - even if the watch window is closed. => You need to remove all values from the window.
The best changes of reproducing the issue
- Open the view > debug window > "history" window, and use the power button to switch it off.
- close watches, locals, inspect, evaluate, stack, registers and thread window (or if they have, disable them with the power button)