Is it just me, or there is no way to install over the previous installation so that the configuration (installed components etc.) would be taken over?
I know it needs the IDE to get re-compiled, and that is not a problem to do, but I didn't found any other way to do it except to install every single component again.
I am still at 2.2.0 RC2 because of this
Normally, there should be no need to reinstall anything.
1) If you choose to uninstall the prior version of Lazarus =>
The uninstaller has a checkbox, if it should delete configs. => Do not check it.2) If you installed 3rd party packages, and they are not compatible, well yes, then you need to re-install / update yourself (but if your current packages are RC compatible, they should be fine)
- I just do not want to take the risk for my setup to get lost.
Your setup is in the "primary config path" => Menu: View > Ide Internals > About IDE
So, if you copy that directory, then you have all your settings copied.
There is one optional setup file in your install directory
It exists in secondary installations, and has the path to the primary conf dir.
If you have downloaded packages in any other fold, and might need to update them, you can backup them too
OnlinePackageManager downloads are in the Primary Config dir.
If you open a project for testing, you might back it up too. Because the file format for lpi files changed. (Though 2.2 can save the old format too)
So with that you can always restore.
You can even copy your entire install dir. So you can copy it back, rather than doing a new install of the older version.
As for the windows registry. It has no IDE settings.
It only has info for innosetup. So Lazarus is in the list of installed apps, and you can uninstall it from there.
And it has file associations, so you can double click. But a new install leaves them intact.
Note if you put new versions of a 3rd party package in a new folder, the IDE still knows the old folder. It should update this once you open the package from the new location.
<primary conf path>\packagefiles.xml