Click on "Procedures and functions" at the top. Go to "msgrcv" which among other things says "For an example, see msgctl." which has an example.
Did you check
this certain example of msgctl? It says:
PMyMsgBuf = ^TMyMsgBuf;
TMyMsgBuf = record
mtype : Longint;
mtext : string[255];
which is - as it just turned out - erroneous, because
longint is always 32-bit and i have a 64-bit system; this should be
clong. Tell me please, what difference it would made, if i would start based on this example and not converting my C code? Because for me, it seems that no difference would occur. My code was erroneous because i relied an erroneous source of C types which stated that the type of
mtype is always 32-bit and not arch-register wide. Using this example would result the same. Is it still my fault?
Look, I'm not going to apologise for the difficulty finding some of this stuff: I've been making myself unpopular with the core team for years by complaining about it.
Chill out dude, i blame you for nothing.
I just pointed out that it is a bit funny that i get chastised once for using flawed random sources when the official sources are also flawed and next for not using the examples when those vaunted examples are not just missing from the default install, but they are also faulty...
But the fact is that the information /is/ in there, and a simple "is there a reliable example for..." or "I can't find..." would have saved you- and everybody else- a lot of grief.
The fact is that the information what is there is actually as erroneous as some random sources can be and thus, not reliable. The random source you had chastised me for using contained one flaw, while in the official documentation i have already found two with the very same characteristics (erroneous bitwidth) as in the random source.
As for the
"lot of grief for everybody else"...aren't you overdramatizing it a bit? Aside from you, two other folks posted in this topic, one post each; one asked for some more information and the other one simply delivered the solution. I don't see the grief here... Only you are making a scene here by blaming me for not listening to you, while all the sources you have shown me contains the same bitwidth errors as Wikipedia.
I mean: C'mon man.