Forum > Lazarus
Announcement: Lazarus Icon Collection
The images folder of the Lazarus-main installation now contains a variety of general-purpose icons. They can be used for toolbar, menu and button images in any Lazarus application. Since they come in various sizes they are fully compatible with the scaled image list of Lazarus v2.0 and later:
- 16x16, 24x24 und 32x32 pixels for "small" images, and
- 24x24, 36x36 and 48x48 for "medium" sized images, and
- 32x32, 48x48 and 64x64 for "large" images.
In total, the folder currently contains about 100 motives, with some more in the queue.
The images were kindly provided by Roland Hahn who already had designed most of the icons currently used by the IDE. The license is Creative Commons CC0, i.e. the images can be used freely without any restrictions, not even attribution is requested (although Roland would certainly be glad to be acknowledged).
There is also a html preview page which is generated by the new IconList utility in the tools/icons_to_html directory. For those who don't use git, a snapshot of the images folder is attached along with the preview page (IconTable.hmtl). Note that some images are missing due to the forum upload file size limitation.
Added the missing attachment
Nothing was attached...
Why attach ....
The html file is included....
Thank you, this is really helpful!
That's a great, thank you
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