I've been working on getting certain apps to support Windows 11 better.
Out of the box forms work fine with rounded corners and snap layout.
Problem is I've got a custom UI (I know my own objections against that, but let's just say I gave in to a designers opinion this time), with a custom title bar.
This custom title bar is realized by simply setting BorderStyle := bsNone, using MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp for moving, manually calling the system menu, manually minimizing and closing.
Now BorderStyle = bsNone has no rounded corners by default, but
thanks to this hint, rewritten as a class helper, that is a one-liner.
I've still got problems with snap layout though. I can't trigger it because I have no maximize button, which is fine, but I also can't pick my window when going through the layout through another app.
Microsoft Docs say to use WM_NCHITTEST , but this looks like it is just for triggering, not for telling the window manager to use this in a snap layout.
Problem 1: if I use WM_NCHITTEST to react to minimize and close, MouseDown isn't triggered for them any more, but since they're on a control, if the system sends the corresponding message, then probably to the control instead of form.
Problem 2: snap layout still isn't available.
There's a bunch of threads here about bsNone layouts, mostly having to do with moving the window. WM_NCCALCSIZE and WM_GETMINMAXINFO didn't work for me yet for example.
Anyone had success with this?