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Uploading all project code for wiki samples in .zip format

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Hi all,

I wanted to contribute to the wiki and provide a complete code sample (including the lfm files) in zip format. Unfortunately the wiki will let me only upload several graphics file formats, but no zip archives.

Is there a way to provide a complete code sample project?

Thnx, Armin.

AFAIK this is not possible. In my TAChart tutorials I worked around this issue by pasting the code into the wiki article ( Awful, but at least something...

Maybe, just maybe, have a look at this please -


Hi Davo,

Not sure what you are after :-)

- Advocate to allow an archive format in the forum attachments, or
- Advocate to publish the complete code samples through [your?] git and put a link in the wiki?
- Something else?

I do, at least, see common ground in what we think an Entrepeneur ("Beginner") can expect in 2022 if he does decide to give Lazarus and FPC a try. Hardly a 10 page article teaching how to compile Lazarus and FPC from source is helpful :-). Instead, GUI examples working right out of the box are expected.



--- Quote from: wp on February 01, 2022, 12:32:45 pm ---AFAIK this is not possible. In my TAChart tutorials I worked around this issue by pasting the code into the wiki article ( Awful, but at least something...

--- End quote ---

Awful, indeed. I also thought about ignoring the GUI/Object Inspector and assign all properties in code. Maybe this would [for my rather short code samples] be a better way to deal with the problem than delivering resource files.


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