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Lazarus assembler window suggestions
The assembler window of Lazarus shows a list. In this list multiple lines can be selected and copied to clipboard by using a popup menu with a single entry, "Copy to Clipboard".
Probably a Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut to copy the selected lines to clipboard would be an improvement because the list already responds to up/down keys.
I've looked at the -aX set of compiler parameters and I've seen no way of at least estimating somehow the data that is shown in the first two columns of the list(memory address and byte data), reason why I think it might be useful adding a "Select all" popup menu entry, where "Select all" would select not just all the visible lines of the list, but all lines of the debugging program. In current implementation you need a lot of time to manually scroll the window to find the memory footprint, address and binary code of a specific routine. "Select all", "Paste" in favorite text editor, "Find" whatever you want should be an improvement.
Ctrl-C => good idea.
--- Quote from: lagprogramming on January 23, 2022, 06:34:45 pm --- "Select all" would select not just all the visible lines of the list, but all lines of the debugging program.
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The window is to disassemble at a specific address. It does not show "all", and it is not made to retrieve "all" (even though you can do by scrolling, except that this includes some guess work, and may show incorrect lines)
--- Quote ---the memory footprint, address and binary code of a specific routine. "Select all", "Paste" in favorite text editor, "Find" whatever you want should be an improvement.
--- End quote ---
If you want to look at a specific function, you need to know the address. Is that the problem ?
Currently you can get to any line of code listed in the stack window => context menu.
What would be needed (and should be added) is the ability to enter the name of a function/method in the disassemble "go to" field. Currently only addresses are accepted.
Well actually, you can get the addresses: (at least with FpDebug, not tested Gdb): the Evaluate Window (also the Watches Window), accept function names (including TFoo.Bar) => and return the address.
Btw, rather than coping from the disassembler view, you can use objdump to get the full assembler (and, if your exe is compiled non-relocatable, then the addresses will match.)
--- Quote from: lagprogramming on January 23, 2022, 06:34:45 pm --- The assembler window of Lazarus shows a list. In this list multiple lines can be selected and copied to clipboard by using a popup menu with a single entry, "Copy to Clipboard".
Probably a Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut to copy the selected lines to clipboard would be an improvement because the list already responds to up/down keys.
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--- Quote from: Martin_fr on January 23, 2022, 08:17:19 pm ---Ctrl-C => good idea.
--- End quote ---
the experience of using the Assembler window has been improved. I was thinking that maybe it's time to also allow Ctrl+C keyboard combination to copy the lines.
ctrl c simply needs to be implemented.
I had completely forgotten about that it had been discussed here.
- add a feature request on the tracker
- implement it and create a merge request
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