I like Online Package Manager tool.
It would be nice if similar tool would exist for examples (maybe in Help menu of Lazarus).
I don't think we need a new tool for that.
If someone want to provide examples, the OPM can be used as it.
- Just make an empty package
- create an example folder in the package
- put your examples into that folder
- get the package added to OPM
The only thing that needs to be done, is for the "example window" in the IDE, to search all the <packagedir>/example/ folders (optional).
If (and that is an "if and only if") this takes off (i.e. if contributor pop up, and create example packages) the OPM window can easily have a button added "open example manager" (and set a filter for the examples of the selected package). But that is an "if and only if". No point adding, unless there will be packages with examples.
Doing it via opm, and the "example window" searching packages, also offers the advance that existing packages (e.g. packages that add new components), can include examples for those components.
That said, it will still be a good idea to have some examples included in the IDE distro itself. So that still needs addressing.
And, no matter if packages come via OPM or are included, if they should be presented, that presentation may need to be polished. And that presentation is the "example window"