I use PO files for
this project. This is the first time I use PO files.
All my strings are correctly translated, excepted one which is always displayed in English.
The only difference that I can see with the other strings of the project is that this string has several lines, and that I use an included file.
(* aboutform.pas *)
ReadMeText = {$I readme};
BTCloseCaption = 'Close';
FormCaption = 'About Mater GUI';
(* readme.pas *)
'' + LineEnding +
'Mater GUI %s' + LineEnding +
'' + LineEnding +
'Graphical user interface for Valentin Albillo''s mate searching program.' + LineEnding +
'' + LineEnding +
'Uses Chest by Heiner Marxen as auxiliary search engine.' + LineEnding +
'' + LineEnding +
'For Linux, uses Chest 3.19 (1). For Windows, uses WinChest by Heiner Marxen and Franz Huber (2).' + LineEnding +
'' + LineEnding +
'(1) http://turbotm.de/~heiner/Chess/chest.html' + LineEnding +
'(2) https://fhub.jimdofree.com'
The included file is automatically generated from a .txt file that I edit by hand. That's why I do like that.
If someone who has more experience than I do with PO files would take a look, or has an idea why it doesn't work...