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FPC 3.2.4, naming suggestions

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Fred vS:

Only out of (big) curiosity, version 3.0.0 was called "Pestering Peacock".

--- Quote ---We are happy to announce the release of the Free Pascal Compiler version
3.0.0 "Pestering Peacock".
--- End quote ---

What will be the name of 3.2.4 ?
( Or maybe "Pestering Peacock" is for all the 3.x.x versions, if so, sorry for the noise. )



--- Quote from: Fred vS on November 10, 2021, 11:06:46 pm ---Only out of (big) curiosity, version 3.0.0 was called "Pestering Peacock".

--- Quote ---We are happy to announce the release of the Free Pascal Compiler version
3.0.0 "Pestering Peacock".
--- End quote ---

What will be the name of 3.2.4 ?
( Or maybe "Pestering Peacock" is for all the 3.x.x versions, if so, sorry for the noise. )
--- End quote ---

There is none (though I personally think of 3.2.0 as “The Neverending Story”, cause it took so long from branch till release :-[ ). The name for 3.0.0 was an inside joke, cause at the hackathon we FPC devs had back in 2013 in Bingen we had a peacock as neighbour who has making rather annoying noises all day long (and 3.0.0 was the first release after that :P ).

Fred vS:

--- Quote from: PascalDragon on November 11, 2021, 09:04:42 am ---
--- Quote from: Fred vS on November 10, 2021, 11:06:46 pm ---Only out of (big) curiosity, version 3.0.0 was called "Pestering Peacock".

--- Quote ---We are happy to announce the release of the Free Pascal Compiler version
3.0.0 "Pestering Peacock".
--- End quote ---

What will be the name of 3.2.4 ?
( Or maybe "Pestering Peacock" is for all the 3.x.x versions, if so, sorry for the noise. )
--- End quote ---

There is none (though I personally think of 3.2.0 as “The Neverending Story”, cause it took so long from branch till release :-[ ). The name for 3.0.0 was an inside joke, cause at the hackathon we FPC devs had back in 2013 in Bingen we had a peacock as neighbour who has making rather annoying noises all day long (and 3.0.0 was the first release after that :P ).

--- End quote ---


Ha OK.

By the way, personally I like when projects have name for release.
Like Debian ( a hero from Toy Story ) or Ubuntu ( a animal + his quality ).



--- Quote from: Fred vS on November 11, 2021, 03:27:00 pm ---By the way, personally I like when projects have name for release.
Like Debian ( a hero from Toy Story ) or Ubuntu ( a animal + his quality ).

--- End quote ---

While fun, it makes references to versions in normal messages insider jokes. From a version number you can determine the sequence of releases, from a name not. So I'm not in favour of making this a habit.

I wonder however if 3.2.0's process was really that slower than 3.0.0 (or 2.6.0). Major branch releases tend to move slowly.

Fred vS:

--- Quote from: marcov on November 11, 2021, 03:56:43 pm ---While fun ...

--- End quote ---

Is it not the most important ?

--- Quote from: marcov on November 11, 2021, 03:56:43 pm ---From a version number you can determine the sequence of releases, from a name not.

--- End quote ---

Hum, more or less.
For example, Ubuntu uses alphabetic order.
You can imagine to use 3 words, the first for the global release number, the 2th for sub-release and the 3th for sub-sub release.

For example for fpc 3.0.0 it is "Peacock Pestering Amazing".
For fpc 3.0.2  it could be "Peacock Pestering Beautiful"
For fpc 3.2.0  it could be "Peacock QAnon Amazing"
For fpc 3.2.2 it could be "Peacock QAnon Beautiful"
For fpc 3.2.4 it could be "Peacock QAnon Carfuly"

Of course the name is there "just for fun", the release numbers still stay.
And to be more "alphabetic" it could be:

For fpc 3.0.0: "Cock Adorable Amazing".
For fpc 3.0.2  it could be "Cock Adorable Beautiful"
For fpc 3.2.0  it could be "Cock Brutish Amazing"
For fpc 3.2.2 it could be "Cock Brutish Beautiful"
For fpc 3.2.4 it could be "Cock Brutish Carfuly"


PS: Just for fun, of course.



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