Very good for learning how to create games.
In my opinion, this is the worst approach when it comes to learning to create games. These should
not be created using visual components and the entire LCL ecosystem — you should use libraries and techniques designed specifically for games. It doesn't matter if it's a simple test or a whole little game. I made the same horrible mistake once and to create a
Deep Platformer I used classes from LCL (but not components), instead of e.g. SDL library.
So if someone wants to touch game development or test some interesting algorithms, I recommend taking SDL and using it as a basis. This library is very easy to use, especially when it comes to basic things such as image rendering and sounds emitting. Not only will you have support of hardware acceleration, multi-channel sound mixer, joysticks on so on, but you will also be able to learn useful things, and such test applications will be a valuable knowledge base for future interested in the topic. SDL is a great library, but there is hardly any learning material for its use in Free Pascal, which is a shame.