After several technical issues (8 tries were needed to convert the FPC
sources to git), the move from svn/mantis to gitlab has been completed.
The FPC sources are now available at
https://gitlab.com/freepascal.org/fpc/sourceAll FPC git repositories are available at:
https://gitlab.com/freepascal.org/fpcThis is also where bugs can be reported from now on:
All Mantis issues have been converted to Gitlab issues.
Depending on where you report an issue, the Gitlab system will ask you to
select a project under which to report a bug.
Note that e.g. documentation bugs should be reported in the documentation
A redirect has been put in place for the old bug system, if possible the
system will redirect you to the correct issue in Gitlab.
A similar redirect will be put in place for the viewvc repository view tool.
The "development" page has been updated with the necessary instructions to
connect with Git:
https://www.freepascal.org/develop.htmlMore information about git has been placed in the WIKI:
https://wiki.freepascal.org/FPC_gitThe lazarus team also placed a version at
https://wiki.freepascal.org/SVN_to_GIT_CheatsheetIf you see places where we overlooked updating the SVN to git or mantis to
gitlab information, please let us know on the maillist...