Concerning the main Lazarus GIT repository
Unfortunately an error had made it into the conversion from SVN to GIT.
The previously published GIT repro would under certain circumstances cause issues when history was accessed.
This means we have to do a new conversion from scratch.
The existing GIT repository has been taken down.
And it will be replaced by a new one.
The new repro will be made available at the same url, once it is ready.
- If you have a clone/fork of the old repro:
You can either
* delete your checkout / make a new cloneThis will be the simplest way, if you have no local changes
* pull / remote update (for seasoned git users)
This will download the entire new repro too.
You will basically experience that every branch in the repro has been force-pushed, and diverged from your old data.
You can then "reset" tracking branches as needed. And/Or rebase local feature branches.
All issue reports will be reset to their last mantis status.
There have been a few
new reports. Those will be recovered.
If you added notes/changes to existing reports, we will try to recover them, but you may have to redo them.
Further updates will be made available as they emerge.
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
The git for our website underwent the same fate. If you pull from it, you will encounter a forced update.
As of 30th July:
Lazarus is available at