Finding translators for the wiki will be a good thing.
Yes, it would be great. Unfortunately the Wiki labourers are very few.
And back in the days, before there was google translate, my English was really really bad. Yet many sites on the net were English and English only. I used a printed dictionary to read them.
My German is almost non-existent - I studied it for a few months after school some 50 years ago, but picked up some while travelling Germany extensively during vacations 2005-2011, until I was run down by a Vespa in a park on a day trip to the Hague in 2011 which ended my ability to fly from downunder to upover.
Google Translate notwithstanding, I still needed to consult my
Langenscheidt Universal German Dictionary when translating from German to English, as well as the web at large for some technical mathematical formulae for calculating areas of different shapes. For the Wiki microcontroller articles, it also helped that I was familiar with the concepts having written programs for Microchip PIC microcontrollers. Translating the German words is only the first step, the sometimes harder part is turning the words into "natural or colloquial" English so it makes sense and doesn't read like my literal, schoolboy Latin translation of Virgil's
Aeneid :-)