Thanks to the team for all the work and the new release. 
I have two problems with the Win32 version:
-The first is extremely annoying; but not a deal breaker: the Source Editor is quite sluggish, 2.0.10 wasn't when editing the same code base.
-It tends to hang when closing: when I first installed it and rebuilt it to install packages it refused to close until I forced it via Windows, and has refused every time I tried to get it to rebuild without hanging: I have to force it through Windows or Task Manager. It builds properly: the hang occurs when the IDE is closing itself to restart. The problem is also present, intermittently, when building any of my own code, those unlucky times when I close it the window goes away, but I can see the process wasting CPU cycles until I kill it with Task Manager or similar.
I can't reproduce it here.
But the symptoms description would make me thing, that the IDE is running some background task.
Some tasks in the IDE, take a long time, and do a lot of Application.ProcessMessages. The the rest of the IDE only works during those ProcessMessages, and the first thing you will note is the editor slows down.
Of course the background task could also prevent the IDE from exiting.... (maybe the task goes wrong, and loops forever)
Now one scenario with ProcessMessages it the Debugger (the gdb based one, not fpdebug). However that should play nice on exit. And also that has not changed between versions.
If you run "Search in Files" that could also happen.
But that are all scenarios that do not apply all the time, and that you need to trigger.
I saw another occurrence in CheckLfmDlg. Not sure when this happens.
And there may be more in other parts of the source.
Maybe codetools do some work.
Please start the IDE with --debug-log=c:\log.txt (or wherever you want the log).
Then submit this logfile.
With a bit of luck, maybe it contains a hint.