
Author Topic: For success of Pascal definition files für Bluepill (STM32F103C8) and Atmega 32  (Read 4140 times)


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I think it would give Free Pascal a big boost in the uC scene if someone would provide a definitons file for the probably most used ARM STM32F103C8.
I could imagine that once there is this one file, more will come.
And besides Linux, Pascal seems to be making a comeback in the embedded area.
A good Inspiration should be the Mikroe PAscal definition files, ONLX inspiration! not copy;-)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2021, 06:02:05 pm by coradi »
Amstrad Schneider CPC 6128


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And besides Linux, Pascal seems to be making a comeback in the embedded area.

Pascal was never absent in the embedded area.

For example the UCSD Pascal OS had a long (and secret) live in the British TV settop boxes since the 90ies.



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MikroElektronika have been selling Pascal compilers fro microcontrollers for years. I've been using their PIC Pascal (and C) compilers on 8 bit, 16 bit and 32 bit Microchip PICs for the last decade. They use an old version of Delphi for their software :)


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I use Mikroe Pascal for AVR and ARM.
But it would be so nice, if I can use Freepascal on PC and für ARM/AVR:-)
But then I want to use it, like the easy way, that Mikroe provide
Easy definition files like in Mikroe  and this would be nice
Amstrad Schneider CPC 6128


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I think it would give Free Pascal a big boost in the uC scene if someone would provide a definitons file for the probably most used ARM STM32F103C8.

The STM32F103C8 should already be supported on the arm-embedded target when using -Wpstm32f103x8 with the controller unit being rtl/embedded/arm/stm32f10x_md.pp. Additionally the Microcontroller Board Framework gained more support for it recently.

Or what do you mean with a “definitions file”?


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I think it would give Free Pascal a big boost in the uC scene if someone would provide a definitons file for the probably most used ARM STM32F103C8.
I could imagine that once there is this one file, more will come.
They do exist. And that for years now.

Search for "stm32f103fw.pas" and "stm32F10x_BitDefs.pas".
The first is a port of the Standard Peripheral Library, the second is a translation of the c-Header with all register bit definitions. Register definitions are part of the compiler libs (thus also available).


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