As I said, I have compiled the "Blinky" example that comes with the "PXL" library so I now have a file named "Blinky" in the "...Documents/Lazarus/PXL/Samples/Embedded/Blinky" directory. If I try to run it in the Lazarus IDE there is a black flash and Lazarus reports that execution is done.
I then opened a Terminal window and tried using "sudo Blinky" after navigating to the right directory. It says "Blinky is not a command"
As usual it helps to discuss your problems. I looked again at the "Lazarus on Raspberry PI" page and I see something I didn't see before:
sudo adduser pi gpio
sudo adduser pi i2c
sudo adduser pi spi
I'll try this in the morning, I mean, when I get up, it's 2:30AM right now so I don't feel like going to my office to try it (it's also -13C out there). Maybe I will since I can't sleep, I'll let you know if I need more help. Thanks.