During years of programming, I've accumulated a fairly large number of programs whose purpose is to test the operation of specific Windows APIs. All of the programs are pure Windows API, that is, no objects/classes and independent of Delphi/Lazarus. IOW, programs along the lines of what is presented in Petzold's Programming the Windows API but, in Pascal.
The great majority of the programs, likely around 95% are very simple, even trivial, programs meant to show how to correctly build the API call and to occasionally be used as the foundation for further tests (such as performance.) About 5% of the programs are more sophisticated and, are not API specific but goal/technique specific instead. Such as, how to avoid/eliminate flicker using various methods, implementing the functionality of undocumented APIs using documented APIs and many other unrelated purposes that are often useful in one way or another.
Through the years, I have accumulated about 700+ such (Pascal) programs. _Important note_ : these programs are _not_ programming examples, they are API _test_/example programs. This means that almost all of them use global variables and other ways of getting things done that are fine in throw away code but, would be questionable and, sometimes even unacceptable, in production quality code.
I am offering these test programs mostly as a way to learn the Windows API. A few, very few (maybe 5%), can be used as programming Windows examples (IOW, the programming is halfway decent.)
The point of this post is two fold:
First, find out if the community is interested in these API test programs.
If there is interest then, I'd post _about_ 5 of them on a daily basis. One short post per API test program and, proceed from simplest (usually downright trivial) to more complex as the number of post increases with a few exceptions along the way to keep things interesting.
Second if there is interest then I'd like the moderators to confirm that my creating about 5 individual posts every day is acceptable (possibly fewer on some days but never larger.)
If there is interest and approval from the moderators, I'd start about a week from today, this to give me a little time to organize the programs.
All feedback welcome,
Thank you.