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LHelp loads index only for first chm, but why?

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Andrey Sobol:
If I set ON - "load all chm in single tab".
I see that into unit chmcontentprovider line 587, but why?

--- Quote ---    // we fill the index here too but only for the main file
    if fChms.IndexOfObject(CHMReader) < 1 then             

--- End quote ---
May be that is only for to do later?
Can anyone to say more?

Andrey Sobol:
I have made first version of a redone. A combine of all indexes from the lazarus chm directory takes 1.5 sec. I think that is fine. It is with sorting the entire index tree by top level.

That's about right, that is how long it takes the textmode IDE too.

You can /MAYBE/ shave off some time by keeping everything widestring.

Andrey Sobol:

--- Quote from: marcov on December 04, 2020, 10:42:22 pm ---That's about right, that is how long it takes the textmode IDE too.

--- End quote ---
I see you last worked with CHM packages...
May be you will fix my patch?

Andrey Sobol:
The patch for indexes combining was placed.


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