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Identifier capitalization?

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Peter H:

I want for all Identifiers in a progamm to make the capitalization equal to the declaration.



"if veryimportantnumber = 0 then"
should become
"if VeryImportantNumber = 0 then"

and this for all identifiers in the program.
Is this possible?

Use Find & Replace feature:
Source Code Editor > Ctrl + F > fill the Text to find field > Enable the Replace with checkbox and provide the identifier with the correct capitalization > Disable Case sensitive checkbox > Set the Origin option to From beginning > Set the Search scope option to Global > Set the Direction to Forward search > Click the Replace All button

If you want to do it on multiple files:
Lazarus main menu > Search > Find in files

I'm not sure, I don't use it but I think you can also try JEDI Code Format:
Lazarus main menu > Source > JEDI Code Format

Peter H:
Yes thank you, but this will only work for a single identifier.

I think this can also (and better) be done with "Refactor" but this also works on a single identifier.
I tried Jedi Code format, this doesnt do it, it only unifies the capitalization for keywords.

I watched on Youtube tutorial videos for delphi where identifiers are automatically correctly capitalized during or after typing and I asked myself if there is a similar feature or tool for freepascal/Lazarus.

Thereoretically the compiler could do this, because the compiler knows and understands all declarations.


--- Quote from: Peter H on November 30, 2020, 12:57:24 pm ---I watched on Youtube tutorial videos for delphi where identifiers are automatically correctly capitalized during or after typing and I asked myself if there is a similar feature or tool for freepascal.
--- End quote ---

Lazarus does that as well when you use its code completion (Default: Ctrl + Space) functionality (if there is only one valid identifier it will complete that without showing the code completion window).

--- Quote from: Peter H on November 30, 2020, 12:57:24 pm ---Thereoretically the compiler could do this, because the compiler knows all declarations.

--- End quote ---

No, the compiler does not modify source files.


--- Quote from: Peter H on November 30, 2020, 12:57:24 pm ---I tried Jedi Code format, this doesnt do it, it only unifies the capitalization for keywords.

--- End quote ---

You can configure it:
Lazarus main menu > Source > JEDI Code Format > Format Settings > left panel: Clarify > Capitalization > Identifiers

--- Quote from: Peter H on November 30, 2020, 12:57:24 pm ---I watched on Youtube tutorial videos for delphi where identifiers are automatically correctly capitalized during or after typing and I asked myself if there is a similar feature or tool for freepascal.

--- End quote ---

Just as PascalDragon said. I always use Ctrl+Space when typing identifier so my codes are always capitalized uniformly.


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