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the fpdoc output formats
Andrey Sobol:
Can anyone say more about the used output formats by fpdoc.exe?
What I see now:
- the html has hierarchy problems, but actively used, it's clear.
- chm also.
- xml - produce simple data. It is used?
- dxml - an empty output. It is used?
- txt - the exception, but is simpley corrected. It is used?
- man - produce simple data. It is used?
- rtf - output is a corrupted file. It is used?
- latex - I think is used but I can`t check it at windows.
Which formats should be tested before a patching?
How are generated the pdf documentation?
Latex used for pdf, downloadable from site.
html for website.
chm for offline help in IDE(s).
Some of the others are generated out of habit (txt,rtf), but I'm not aware of serious use.
What is the bugreport number for the hierarchy problems?
Andrey Sobol:
--- Quote from: marcov on November 27, 2020, 06:25:26 pm ---What is the bugreport number for the hierarchy problems?
--- End quote ---
--- Quote from: Andrey Sobol on November 27, 2020, 06:08:03 pm ---Can anyone say more about the used output formats by fpdoc.exe?
--- End quote ---
You missed the IPF format. It's mainly used for the documentation of fpGUI currently (fpGUI provides the utlity DocView to view them) and the resulting INF files are also supported by FPC's textmode IDE.
Please not that it's hard to say which formats are really used. While the FPC project itself might only really use the HTML, CHM and Latex outputs other third party users might use formats that suite them more (like IPF for fpGUI).
.PS is btw also a format that is generated. Related to PDF, but afaik it was mostly as a base for the printers of the early FPC books.
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