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The fixes to pasdoc and lhelp how to speed up that?
Andrey Sobol:
Hi guys,
If I or somebody publishes the patch to issue, how to speed up that?
1. Another members can test it before...
2. How can I ask a question to developers about that?
3. How long can be a patch in the queue?
4. I write fixes to pasdoc and lhelp, who is responsible for this part of the project?
What can I do yet?
My patch have been hanged without of movement
and I make a big fix to the pasdoc for
I think the tobject link generation is a fpdoc issue, because tobject is not clickable in the windows help viewer too, please file a separate bug with the FPC project. (and keep the current one for the lhelp index related issues)
Just a two line description and a link to/number of the lazarus bugreport for the screenshots.
It's not always the easiest kind of issues, so please be patient since it might need the christmas holiday for enough time.
I was fixed LHelp about 3 years ago.
Andrey Sobol:
--- Quote from: serbod on November 26, 2020, 10:55:14 am ---I was fixed LHelp about 3 years ago.
--- End quote ---
But why yours code is not into repo?
--- Quote from: Andrey Sobol on November 26, 2020, 01:48:20 pm ---But why yours code is not into repo?
--- End quote ---
Too many changes at once, they must be divided to many small diffs.
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