Forum > IDE/CodeTools
RichEdit and MDIChild support?
Any plans to add these components? If the answer is "do it yourself", any suggestions for where to start? I don't have access to the full Delphi code base since I'm using Delphi6 freebie edition. If I attempted to port a Delphi app using these features would it grind to a rapid halt?
Well... About Rich Edit if you want to do it yourself, I suggest, that you begin from Memo. And then increase it's posibilities by adding new features, best if added exactly as they work in Delphi. With the same names, parameters and working the same way.
I think one of the synedit components has richedit functionality.
Anyway you can create your own highlighter using synedit.
--- Quote from: "Adam.Pilorz" ---Well... About Rich Edit if you want to do it yourself, I suggest, that you begin from Memo.
--- End quote ---
Not much point in starting with Memo - RichEdit is a separate Windows component. One of the irritants with Delphi is that their component still links to an ancient version (riched32 - 1999) as opposed to the more recent one (riched20 - 2003) which supports multi-level undo/redo.
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