My problem is writing documentation,
My english is google translate
The whole project has the source code.
Pandroid exe or pandroid for linux compiled from PandroidTools
1. Lazarus compiler calls before pandorid.exe and creates and Rjava.pas, necessary for compiling Pascal classes.
2. The second part compiles the classes from the paskal code
3. Lazarus compiler calls after pandorid.exe and makes a script to create apk, and create apk
"On linux it works fine and waits for compilation, which on windows i failed but make apk
If you do not compile the apk on Windows, they can be run android\BuildApk.bat , and see the compilation."
Now it should work nicely on windows as well changed 09.05.2020)
Attached is the possibility of a template more for arm-android compilation, such as pandroidmodule,
making * .so then making PandroidModule.jar and finally making PandroidModule.pas for the compiler
The code from the pandroid example is the same, you can see in the example cannot be directly loaded due to modified compiler paths