I cannot use the FPC IDE integrated debugger for DOS since FPC 2.X (stepping, tracing, etc. as it craches, hangs). So I'm still using FPC 1.0.X for this purpose. With the new FPC release 3.2.X I can see there are some signs of life of the internal debugger but it still fails if the source file size is larger than a couple of KB (even if there is just one intruction and other context are comments).
I wonder if DOS IDE debugging is in real development or it is just some dummy/obsolete functionality. Is it in use by someone? Should I report bugs, etc. (I cannot find any bugtracker reports regarding DOS IDE debugger).
I found GDB libgdb libraries v7.7.1 for compiling DOS IDE with debugger support here:
ftp://ftp.freepascal.org/pub/fpc/contrib/libgdb/Suprisingly they are recently updated (29.03.2020) however GDB version is not actual (AFAIK there is already GDB v9.1 released on Feb, 8th, 2020, but I don't know how to compile new libgdb files for FPC IDE).
I can see Debugging on other platforms became really stable (especially with the use of MI interface still not supported in DOS). Is there any information on plans regarding the FPC IDE debugger for DOS? Maybe some help is needed? Or nobody is really interesed.