
Author Topic: Dict4Laz - Translate anything with Lazarus  (Read 6186 times)


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Dict4Laz - Translate anything with Lazarus
« on: July 21, 2020, 03:53:22 pm »
Hi to all, who need Translations for their multilingual Apps (or for personal Use).

Since many Years, I use 'QuickDic' to translate 'German <-> English':
This Dictionary is really very good and fast, but:
- it's German/English, only
- it's not open-source, and
- its Vocabulary is only accessible via the QuickDic-App.  :(

Knowing the Abilities & Features of 'QuickDic', I've been searching for Years for something comparable to translate
'German <-> Spanish', but never succeeded in Finding something even coming near to it.  :(

Of course, there are lots of more or less sophisticated online Dictionaries, but I was Looking for something with really
huge Vocabulary, that can be used offline, too (-> more comfortable, faster, no InternetConnection required).
Apps like 'Poedit' are not sufficient for the Kind of Translations, that I need.

So, if You ever struggled around with reliable and authentic Translations, e.g. for Your multilingual App,
the Following might be helpful for You, too...

Some Weeks ago, I stumbled over '':, which
is called "a Wikipedia for translations" by its Creator & Maintainer, Paul Hemetsberger:

Sounds good, so I checked out that Site, and it's really much more than a "normal" online multilingual Dictionary, because it...

- translates innumerable Languages to each other, including even not commonly used Languages

- has tremendous Vocabularies, optionally separated by Branches:

- has a Forum for professional Translators from all over the world:

- offers a 'Vocabulary Trainer', for those, who want to learn or practise a Language:

- lets You download all Vocabularies as tab-delimited Text-Files (this is, what I liked most):  :)
  -> GoTo "Click here to download the vocabulary database file"

- provides Links to diverse Apps for alternative offline Use of those Vocabularies:

To complete my Checkings, I tried out some of the Vocabulary-TXT-Files with
"7. Ding for Windows" (= 'ding4win', written in Python): and with
this simplest Dictionary by 'LazPlanet':
And it works.

With '', You can get any Translation from Professionals for a bunch of Languages and Branches, either on- or offline, and
You may even write Your own DictionaryApp for one or several Languages - that's, what I'd call 'Dict4Laz'.  ;)
« Last Edit: August 06, 2020, 03:26:55 pm by metis »
Life could be so easy, if there weren't those f*** Details.
My FFmpeg4Lazarus = FFPlay4Laz + FFGrab4Laz + FFInfo4Laz


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Re: Dict4Laz - Translate anything with Lazarus
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2020, 05:14:55 am »
It should be noted that those dictionary/translation files are for personal use only, not for commercial use nor to be given away to third parties or published.


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Re: Dict4Laz - Translate anything with Lazarus
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2020, 06:30:35 am »
Blade, are you suggesting we should be able to write a (fpc) filter that takes (eg) an english pot file and output a german .po file ready to bundle with an app ?  That would be pretty cool.

Just translating one word into another, one by one, is rarely enough, or so I understand.

Lazarus 3, Linux (and reluctantly Win10/11, OSX Monterey)
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Re: Dict4Laz - Translate anything with Lazarus
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2020, 10:35:56 pm »
It should be noted that those dictionary/translation files are for personal use only, not for commercial use nor to be given away to third parties or published.
You're right, regarding Point 1. of the Terms of Use:
"Utilizing the data for personal use is granted provided that the data is not given away to third parties or published in any way."

That's why I wrote "might be helpful for Your multilingual App" and to "write Your own DictionaryApp", means
for Cases, where You can't get along, e.g. with 'Poedit' or 'gettext', or for personal Use (like me).

"Using the data within computer programs is permitted, as long as the following terms are observed: ..." (read there)

As well as Point 3. OTHER TYPES OF USE:
"..., are not allowed without the express written consent of the maintainer of, ..."
So, if there is any Doubt, You may always ask for the Owner's Permission.

He should be cooperative. Finally, it's in his own Interest to have his Work and Name propagated.  ;)
« Last Edit: August 22, 2020, 11:39:19 am by metis »
Life could be so easy, if there weren't those f*** Details.
My FFmpeg4Lazarus = FFPlay4Laz + FFGrab4Laz + FFInfo4Laz


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