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[SOLVED] Undocumented units in lcl/forms


This weekend I discovered some undocumented units in the lcl/forms directory. Namely:

* calcform.pas
* calendarpopup.pas
* dblogdlg.pas
* finddlgunit.pas
* replacedlgunit.pas
* timepopup.pas
I used makeskel to create skeleton help files for them, and was planning to submit them to Mantis. But I'm not sure the source fits into the scheme used in build_lcl_docs.exe. The code is not directly in the lcl directory, but in a subdirectory below that. It doesn't appear the code will be found by fpdoc since its not in the lcl source path.

So the questions are:

* Are they really needed?
* Is this an issue that needs to be addressed in build_lcl_docs.lpr?


Just noticed that TFPDocRun.AddFilesToList actually recurses into subdirectories. No problem then.

Hi there
 I'm new in lazarus; hoa to install them without copying to the wrk folder? Can you help?


--- Quote from: mariodosreis on July 02, 2022, 06:41:43 pm ---Hi there
 I'm new in lazarus; hoa to install them without copying to the wrk folder? Can you help?

--- End quote ---

I am not sure what you are wanting to install.

Help for these units is now included when CHM or HTML help is built. The CHMs are installed with new Lazarus releases. The help topics are available in the pop-up code help for new releases too.

Unfortunately, the online HTML help on SourceForge has not been updated for a long time. Another resource is available with the latest help builds at: It is generated from the files on the Git main repository (version 2.3.0), and may not match the 2.2.2 release.


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