Sorry mr.coll for the confusion.
There are 2 fpGUI flavors: the "pure fpGUI" and the "LCL/fpGUI".
The "LCL/fpGUI" uses the LCL developed by the Lazarus team that uses the fpGUI widgetset, like it does with other widgetset (GTK, Qt, Carbon, ...).
This "LCL/fpGUI" is in development but not yet operational, some widgets are not yet working (Tfpg_label for example).
"LCL/fpGUI" is provided in Lazarus source, but, IMHO, not already ready to use.
But, a contrario, the "Pure fpGUI" version is perfectly working and easy to use.
And with "Pure fpGUI" you will have lighter, faster, stronger executables, without any dependencies.
All the infos that I give you in previous posts are about "Pure fpGUI".