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Possible to use a Package without source (only ppu and .o)?

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Is it possible to use a package in Lazarus if i provide only the packagefiles and the ppu and o files but not the source files.? For install in Lazarus and use with Lazarus.

It is clear for me, to use the same major version of fpc (and Lazarus), so the compiles ppu's have the same version. Actual i have Problems, because Lazarus want always to recompile (incompatible ppu) the ppu's and this didn't work without the sources.


Yes it should be possible provided same version etc and same architecture and all params.

But to avoid that the "source changed and is newer than ppu" which is based on timestamp protection triggers in, the base package must be compiled with -Ur:

--- Quote from: manual --- -Ur Generate release unit files. These files will not be
recompiled, even when the sources are available. This is useful when making
release distributions. This also overrides the -B option for release
mode units.

--- End quote ---

THX for the tip.

Can i see this in the Unit flags - is this the flag 'release' ?

Yes, I think so.

I have now a package from this thread,46562.0.html with the release flag set, but it doesnt work. Lazzarus tried to recompile, but it fails without sources.


--- Quote ---Messages, Warnings: 1
Warning: other unit files search path (aka unit path) of "RVMediaLaz 1.0" contains "/home/andi/data/RVMediaTrialLazarusLinux/Source", which belongs to package "RVMediaLaz_Dsgn"
Compile package RVMediaLaz 1.0: Exit code 1, Errors: 1, Warnings: 1
Warning: Recompiling MRVInet, checksum changed for LCLIntf
rvmedialaz.pas(11,3) Fatal: Cannot find MRVInet used by RVMediaLaz, incompatible ppu=/home/andi/data/RVMediaTrialLazarusLinux/Source/lib/x86_64-linux/MRVInet.ppu, package RVMediaLaz

--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---PPU-Analyser Version 3.0.4
Copyright (c) 1998-2013 by the Free Pascal Development Team

Analyzing /home/andi/data/RVMediaTrialLazarusLinux/Source/lib/x86_64-linux/MRVInet.ppu (v173)

Compiler version        : 3.0.4
Target processor        : x86_64
Target operating system : Linux-x86-64
Unit flags              : init, final, static_linked, little_endian, release, has_debug_info, dwarf_debug_info, local_symtable
FileSize (w/o header)   : 26952
Checksum                : 5365C3D0
Interface Checksum      : 5EE9DBCF
Indirect Checksum       : FB2F3219
Definitions stored      : 476
Symbols stored          : 709

Interface section
Module Name: MRVInet

--- End quote ---


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