
Author Topic: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.6  (Read 38712 times)


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.6
« Reply #30 on: October 16, 2019, 12:54:13 am »
Now, please forgive my ignorance but isn't the cocoa issue 'just' one of packaging ?

When I tried to install 2.0.4 from the main website (then through Source Forge) on macOS Catalina, it complained that it (or some part of it) was 32-bit.  I did not see a 64-bit installer available.  I guess that would fall outside the 'just packaging' realm.
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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.6
« Reply #31 on: October 16, 2019, 12:55:12 am »
@Thaddy, As I explained before, if you try out the HTMLHelp example that comes with Lazarus and have Microsoft Edge Installed and set as your default browser on Windows 10, it will display the nice error.
 OpenUrl works fine on other OSes and older windows because Edge isn't installed but the code clearly goes out of its way looking for Edge and if it finds it, executes it incorrectly, in fact the code actually makes no sense at all since it's executing a key not an actual file or path to one.

 The fix for this is to nullify the actual function that is doing this and have it return as a failed attempt, but if Edge is your default browser after that, Edge will be loaded..

 I edited the file because it fails on every PC that has edge installed and being the default browser at this point.
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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.6
« Reply #32 on: October 16, 2019, 03:49:08 am »
When I tried to install 2.0.4 from the main website (then through Source Forge) on macOS Catalina, it complained that it (or some part of it) was 32-bit.  I did not see a 64-bit installer available.  I guess that would fall outside the 'just packaging' realm.

No, I disagree. You downloaded the 32bit Carbon package because thats all that is there right now. But a 64bit Cocoa could be packaged up and made available right now or way after the release of 2.0.6. The version of Lazarus and its release has little to do with decisions made during packaging (apart from every later version is better at Cocoa).

So, your issue is getting a Cocoa package made that puts files in some place acceptable to Apple. Its an important issue but not one related to what is in 2.0.6.

I could easily build you a Cocoa Lazarus on my aging Sierra Powerbook, I don't know how I'd build you a FPC but I bet plenty of people do know. FPC would be 3.0.4 (a?) but Lazarus could be 2.0.4, Fixes or 2.0.6 in a week or so time.

I reckon a thread in the OS -> Mac section of the Forum might be a good idea.   

Lazarus 3, Linux (and reluctantly Win10/11, OSX Monterey)
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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.6
« Reply #33 on: October 16, 2019, 04:01:32 am »
I disagree. You downloaded the 32bit Carbon package because thats all that is there right now. But a 64bit Cocoa could be packaged up and made available right now or way after the release of 2.0.6. The version of Lazarus and its release has little to do with decisions made during packaging (apart from every later version is better at Cocoa).

This wouldn't be real life if someone didn't disagree with me!  :P

This whole issue is not a big deal to me, but I'm sure it impacts others more severely.  I rolled back to Mojave and will upgrade to Catalina when it's had more time to 'bake'.  My main dev environment right now is on Debian Linux and everything works just fine there.
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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.6
« Reply #34 on: October 17, 2019, 06:17:24 pm »
BorderSpacing for 4+ controls is broken and unusable.
Small simple CSS/box model implementation:


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.6
« Reply #35 on: October 17, 2019, 09:17:02 pm »
I believe a cocoa installer is planned, but I have to get confirmation on this.

The opening post stated Mac Cocoa Beta so I take that to mean a Beta Installer.   Which I will wait for.   
MacOS 10.15.5/Lazarus 2.0.10 Build 2020-07-07


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.6
« Reply #36 on: October 17, 2019, 09:27:28 pm »
Now, please forgive my ignorance but isn't the cocoa issue 'just' one of packaging ?

When I tried to install 2.0.4 from the main website (then through Source Forge) on macOS Catalina, it complained that it (or some part of it) was 32-bit.  I did not see a 64-bit installer available.  I guess that would fall outside the 'just packaging' realm.

The 2.0.4 release contained a build of the 32-bit Carbon-based IDE. So yes, it was in fact entirely 32-bit, and therefore not compatible with Catalina.

What we're talking about is the IDE built as a 64-bit application, against the Cocoa widgetset instead of Carbon. This is something that already works and has worked for quite a while, regardless of whether or not the Cocoa backend is 100% complete in all regards.

The bottom line is that the Carbon IDE now officially does not work at all with the latest release of OS X, meaning there basically needs to be a Cocoa release ASAP.


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.6
« Reply #37 on: October 18, 2019, 02:47:24 am »
I appreciate the progress in Lazarus, especially the Cocoa widgetset. I am pleased with the progress in the 2.0 Cocoa fixes branch, but agree with the comments that getting a stable Cocoa installation is a priority. Carbon is no longer viable.
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macOS 14.5: Lazarus 3.4 (64 bit Cocoa M1)
Ubuntu 18.04.3: Lazarus 3.4 (64 bit on VBox)
Windows 7 Pro SP1: Lazarus 3.4 (64 bit on VBox)


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.6
« Reply #38 on: October 18, 2019, 02:24:45 pm »
Many of the comments seem to regard installing Lazarus on MacOS Catalina. Thanks to Dmitry, the Cocoa widgets and 64-bit apps is in pretty good shape. The challenge is that when users download the disk image from the main Lazarus page they get a 32-bit version that is not MacOS compliant. A second problem is that it is hard to install the gdb on modern MacOS, and it is not intuitive to new users how to set Lazarus to use LLDB. An improved Disk Image installer would be great, or a streamlined Mac Ports package.

However, one solution not mentioned on this thread is Anthony Walter's clever shell script for guiding Catalina users through an install:
The author clearly asks for testers to give feedback, so perhaps community members who want to see improved Catalina support can provide him with suggestions. From my perspective, it seems like an elegant script that is very close to a one-stop shop for ensuring all the components are installed and in the modern directories.


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.6
« Reply #39 on: October 18, 2019, 08:34:33 pm »
Many of the comments seem to regard installing Lazarus on MacOS Catalina. Thanks to Dmitry, the Cocoa widgets and 64-bit apps is in pretty good shape. The challenge is that when users download the disk image from the main Lazarus page they get a 32-bit version that is not MacOS compliant. A second problem is that it is hard to install the gdb on modern MacOS, and it is not intuitive to new users how to set Lazarus to use LLDB. An improved Disk Image installer would be great, or a streamlined Mac Ports package.

However, one solution not mentioned on this thread is Anthony Walter's clever shell script for guiding Catalina users through an install:
The author clearly asks for testers to give feedback, so perhaps community members who want to see improved Catalina support can provide him with suggestions. From my perspective, it seems like an elegant script that is very close to a one-stop shop for ensuring all the components are installed and in the modern directories.

To sign on Mojave: 
user$ sudo codesign -s gdb-cert /opt/local/bin/ggdb

Worked on Mojave.  Will try on Catalina soon.  This script installs Lazarus 2.1.0
MacOS 10.15.5/Lazarus 2.0.10 Build 2020-07-07


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.6
« Reply #40 on: October 19, 2019, 11:20:40 am »
I think that it is important this bug to be fixed and taken too:
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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.6
« Reply #41 on: October 23, 2019, 03:47:08 am »
I think that it is important this bug to be fixed and taken too:
the good news is that we have Ondrej back.
so LCL HighDPI basis can be reconsidered from absolute values to a factor.
This only approach might take care of the issue, as there will no longer be a conflict between system and LCL values

Naturally it will not make it to 2.0.6, but maybe the next one


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.6
« Reply #42 on: October 26, 2019, 08:25:55 am »
It would be nice to see the following fixed for this release:
I was able to fix it. Please test in trunk ASAP. I will try to push it for 2.0.6 if it works. The release is not tagged yet.

I had to debug and scratch my head for some time before I understood the code. Finally I was able to simplify the code a little.
Mostly Lazarus trunk and FPC 3.2 on Manjaro Linux 64-bit.


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.6
« Reply #43 on: October 26, 2019, 01:17:49 pm »
Please complete run in Catalina OSX 64 bit



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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.6
« Reply #44 on: October 26, 2019, 09:36:50 pm »
Lazarus fixes (unlike trunk) has this bug:
main.pp: function TMainIDE.DoRunProjectWithoutDebug: TModalResult;
The last "except" should be "finally". (heaptrc is your friend)


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