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2048 game
Very addictive game, I reached 256 :)
I will try to implement some strategy for computer player. Probably something deterministic, some rules to follow rather then neural network and some sort of AI. But using neural network AI with genetic algorithms can be also fun as you can see in this video :)
At least important thing is to set good fitness function. Then learning process should be straightforward.
Anyway, this is nice game which can be easily implemented in just few hours and there are many possibilities how to improve that game and make it more complicated. In Android play store there are lot of clones and some of them have more game modes. Games like 2048+, 2048++. 2048X, 2048 plus, super 2048, and so on. Perhaps something like multiplayer can exist. But if tiles placement is random then there is no need to play it at the same time. Even if both players would have same pseudorandom generator with same initial seed, then it would be still random.
As I have said many times before....
There are 10 types of programmers in this world, those that know binary and those that don't!
New improved version released. Changes since 1.0.0 version:
--- Quote ---Version 1.2.0 (2019-11-08)
* Added: Animation of tiles merge.
* Added: Animation of appearance of new tiles.
* Added: Support for dark theme.
* Added: Support for selectable skins of tiles. Tile values are now representing normal sequence of numbers. If power of two is selected, values are recalculated for rendering and score.
* Added: Key buffer to capture consecutive key presses even with slow animation.
* Added: Read Me file.
* Modified: Use just 2048 for application name.
* Modified: Draw board rounded corners.
* Modified: Make tiles rectangle with rounded corners.
* Fixed: Unable to move tiles in 2x2 board size.
* Fixed: Board border width.
* Fixed: Tile margin not calculated correctly for different canvas sizes.
* Fixed: Wrong slash symbol in path for storing moves history to registry.
Version 1.1.0 (2019-10-13)
* Added: New form accessible from menu Tools - Moves history with game moves history.
* Added: Computer player accessible from Tools menu in Debug mode. It is not able to win game yet.
* Added: Help windows with instructions how to play.
* Added: With 10% chance create new random tile with value 4 instead of 2.
* Modified: Fixed tiles move animation.
* Fixed: Update previous board state for undo only if board is really moved.
--- End quote ---
A new improved version has been released. The changes since 1.2.0 version are:
--- Quote ---Version 1.5.0 (2024-12-11)
* Added: Tools - Score menu action to show history of previously played games with score information.
* Added: Optionally generated unmergeable movable tiles.
* Added: Set number of randomly generated disabled tiles in new game form.
* Added: Close button in moves history and help forms.
* Added: French and spanish translation.
* Modified: Automatically detect and use dark mode on Windows.
* Modified: Use dark mode title bar on Windows 10.
* Modified: Tile skin and color palette setting moved from new game dialog to menu. It can be now set during gameplay.
* Modified: Lowered minimal swipe distance.
* Modified: Show score and best score as boxes. Place them according window size.
* Modified: Always show moves history menu action.
* Fixed: Dark theme detection for board colors.
* Fixed: Scaling of tiles text.
* Fixed: Use the same initial board after game restart.
* Fixed: Board size calculation inside the main window.
* Fixed: Full screen mode switching.
Version 1.4.0 (2024-06-07)
* Added: Game menu restart action to start a new game without showing options dialog.
* Added: Toggle full screen mode (F11) from View main menu.
* Added: Allow to select color palette in new game dialog.
* Added: Step button in AI form to do single step.
* Added: Use also numeric keyboard for movement.
* Modified: Calculate different win tile value for different board sizes.
* Modified: Moved Settings menu under Tools menu.
* Fixed: Use scrollboxes in options dialogs.
* Fixed: Use clear background color under score text instead of solid.
Version 1.3.0 (2020-08-13)
* Added: Allow to slide blocks using mouse.
* Added: Roman numerals as tile skin.
* Added: Binary numbers tile skin.
* Added: Separated TGame paint and state change events.
* Modified: Update locking on combobox items initialization in new game form.
* Modified: Count total score using standard power of two numbers for all tile skins.
* Modified: Draw to Canvas through TMetaCanvas class.
* Modified: Animate tiles movements in background thread.
* Modified: Initialize TCore as first application form.
* Fixed: Build under Lazarus 2.0.10 and FPC 3.2.0.
* Fixed: Main menu was not translated.
* Fixed: Drawing board in AI mode.
* Fixed: Undo action was not enabled.
* Fixed: Init form opaque control style during its creation.
--- End quote ---
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