I experienced crashes of Lazarus during the spring when I lost edited code changes multiple times.
[...] AutoSave [...]
I never had any crashes while actually coding, both on Windows 7 and LinuxMint. There were crashes when packages of a project couldn't be loaded and I tried to do something with the package. But that was either at startup or when I manipulated the package, so no dataloss, just a bit annoying.
Maybe you have addons that make Lazarus unstable?
I really do not know what caused the actual crashes, but a typical scenario was that I had been happily coding and I used the mouse in order to select a command to copy. At the very moment I clicked the mouse I was looking at an empty desktop, no sign of Lazarus at all.
When you talk about Add-on do you mean some custom tools in the IDE or such?
In that case, no I have not installed anything like that. I always install Lazarus by checking out a release tag from svn and then build it through make.
Then I use OLPM in order to install the packages I use in my software (Indy, LazSerial, ....). But these are not add-ons, just code packages used in my apps.
Note:I do not have a monitor attached to my RPi units, I always deal with those that have a GUI through VNC.
And all RPi's are managed through the PuTTY command line interface.