Forum > Embedded
Cypress PSoC microcontrollers
--- Quote from: avra on August 29, 2019, 09:10:45 am ---The only reason to justify (relative) higher price of PSoC is PSoC Creator IDE and it's visual programming GUI with built in and custom made peripheral components which can save some of the external hardware logic. If you cut that out then not much reasons are left for Pascal IDE which would not rely on PSoC Creator IDE (and such integration would be hard to achieve with such closed source IDE). And if you do not need peripheral components that badly, then something like STM32 has much better pricing and already has FreePascal support.
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Note that PSoC runs 48 MHz and the STM32 only 24 MHz. This can make a big difference.
--- Quote from: on November 10, 2020, 10:48:14 am ---Note that PSoC runs 48 MHz and the STM32 only 24 MHz. This can make a big difference.
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There's a number of recent incarnations of the generic "blue pill" chipped for 72MHz. That, plus an underlying architecture that has very wide industry support, makes an even bigger difference.
HOWEVER: the bottom line, as it has been since the earliest days of microcontrollers, is that you select your chip based on the integrated peripherals.
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