Hi Remy
Thanks for the updates, I am using "
https://host:port" , and I removed the .method setting but still no luck.
I believe you are right about indy working ok, thaddy got it working pretty quickly, so maybe my raspberry pi3 is missing something.
I think I'll revert over to compiling/running on windows so I can get the application tested and demonstrated to my user, then try a clean install on another raspberry.
I was thinking about posting a sample project here for users to try, but they would need to be able to produce their own SSL certificate tied to their registered URL e.g. my_lazarus_test.co.uk
hmm.. I just had a look at my own ISP for deals on registering a URL, and it seems they offer free registration of .co.uk for 1 year. I'll email them and confirm before posting a link.
Lazarus users could register a URL for free, then use a free Domain Name Server (I use a free one and it works ok) to point their URL to a device on their home network (just forward a port on the home router for it to connect). Finally, get a free SSL certificate via letsencrypt/certbot, again free.
I'd be happy to post something on the lazarus wiki if anyone thinks it would help, that way if anyone else has a problem in the future with HTTPS/SSL/DNS/certificates they have a working example to reference?