I uninstalled my older version completely and deleted the folder yet this totally new install shows me as having OPM installed packages.
UOS shows as Yes and BGRABitmap as partially.
I don't have these as component tabs in the IDE of 2.04.
I installed the latest 2.04 r61665 64bit. on W10 Pro.
Lazarus stores it config in the user profile.
On Win that is C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\lazarus
On Linux that is /home/username/.lazarus
For 2ndary installs the folder can be chosen.
The installer has an option to clear that data.
So the IDE will see the config, and OPM may see what used to be installed.
The component tabs are missing, because "installs" must be compiled into the IDE, but the new IDE does not have them....
They probably will be there once you rebuild the IDE.