This is very strange. I compile fpc and Lazarus, as well as help files mainly on windows. And I never met any problems. But I started this conversation in the hope that it is quite easy to implement. I guess I was wrong. I'm sorry.
You misunderstood: the help files for Lazarus is not a problem at all, but the REAL documentation of FreePascal itself (
user's guide, programmer's guide, reference manual etc) for the 3.0.4 version.
These are type set in TeX and Windows lacks a proper tool chain for that. (None of what you come up with will work)
I am not interested in help files (short-cut and incomplete documentation), I am interested in the
books, that is what they are and the only proper and guiding reference!
Under Linux or macOS/OSX, it is quite straight forward to build them into a pdf or html, but on Windows it is neigh impossible. Not for beginners or Windows centric programmers, though.
A pity so many people confuse the
complete real
documentation with help files.
And for
trunk you need to build those books yourself. Period.
Take note of that.
P.s: the books try to be complete and authoritative. the help files just pop-up - can be a blank page or just the subject - when you press F1 or a combination with F1. F1 does not have a particular helpful experience in my case... The Lazarus help sucks and I am not going to help to improve it. OTOH if something is not clear in the real FPC manuals I take the time to report it and suggest improvements through a bug report.
In its current state Lazarus help is beyond help. If I want to know more, I just
grep -nHIiwrF the sources. Works way more informative.
(Lazarus help engineers: "Hey, look! we made F1 and crtl-F1 and even shift-F1 work!
We Have Created Help"
