
Author Topic: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.4  (Read 27066 times)


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We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.4
« on: July 25, 2019, 12:17:38 pm »
The Lazarus team is glad to announce that:

      The release of Lazarus 2.0.4

has been scheduled for the week starting

      5th August 2019

This release will be built with FPC 3.0.4.
The previous release Lazarus 2.0.2 was built with FPC 3.0.4 as well.

Here is the list of fixes for Lazarus 2.0.2 (since 2.0.0):

We would invite everyone to provide their feedback to help us improve
this upcoming release. Please let as know in particular:
- Any fixes made to trunk, that you believe should still be merged to
  the fixes branch (fixes that are not listed on the above wiki page)
- Any regressions that happened in fixes branch since the last release
- Other urgent matters, you believe we should know before the release.

Please attempt to provide your feedback by: 1st August 2019

More info on our release process can be found at (work in progress):

Information about the previous release:

The intended minimum requirements for the release will be:

   2k, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10, 32 or 64bit.

   gtk 2.8 for gtk2, qt4.5 for qt, qt5.6 for qt5, 32 or 64bit.

Mac OS X:
   10.5 to 10.12; Carbon (32bit), Cocoa (64bit, beta), qt and qt5
   (32 or 64bit).

Just a general notice.

If you are on our mailinglist, please consider replying to the announcement on the mail list.

Messages left on the forum, will have to be forwarded, as not all team members are on the forum.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2019, 01:35:24 pm by Martin_fr »


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.4
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2019, 12:45:57 pm »
We would invite everyone to provide their feedback to help us improve
this upcoming release. Please let as know in particular:
- Other urgent matters, you believe we should know before the release.

This bug prevents the SystemTrayIcon from working on a Debian or Ubuntu based box that has been upgraded from an older version of the OS. Its Linux only, does not (alone) solve the problem for RedHat systems but does no further harm.

Lazarus 3, Linux (and reluctantly Win10/11, OSX Monterey)
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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.4
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2019, 01:26:37 pm »


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.4
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2019, 01:28:52 pm »

This bug prevents the SystemTrayIcon from working on a Debian or Ubuntu based box that has been upgraded from an older version of the OS. Its Linux only, does not (alone) solve the problem for RedHat systems but does no further harm.

I am not the gtk maintainer, so the final answer may differ. But it seems to add new functionality, which means it is probably not making fixes branch at all.


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.4
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2019, 01:35:02 pm »
Just a general notice.

If you are on our mailinglist, please consider replying to the announcement on the mail list.

Messages left on the forum, will have to be forwarded, as not all team members are on the forum.


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.4
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2019, 01:57:07 pm »

This bug prevents the SystemTrayIcon from working on a Debian or Ubuntu based box that has been upgraded from an older version of the OS. Its Linux only, does not (alone) solve the problem for RedHat systems but does no further harm.

I am not the gtk maintainer, so the final answer may differ. But it seems to add new functionality, which means it is probably not making fixes branch at all.

Yes, it could be a moot point as to new functionality or not.  I'd probably argue its more about preferring an existing functionality over another, also existing functionality. From memory, simplifies the code a touch even !

(no, I'm not on the developer mailing list and probably don't belong there  :D )

Thanks Martin

Lazarus 3, Linux (and reluctantly Win10/11, OSX Monterey)
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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.4
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2019, 02:12:52 pm »
It helps to refer bug numbers with either the subject or the person to whom it is assigned. None of us is going to look at a bugnumber and remember: "right I committed that". It is usually the committer who has to decide if it can get merged.

Haven't gone through all of them, but
   0035694: Micropatch of LazMethodList unit
Is basic refactoring (the resulting exe should be roughly the same). So while in this case it could be merged (as it is unlikely to break anything), it does not harm if it is not merged (as it does not fix anything (except read ability).
   0034415: Optimize raise exception in

Some issues are not yet assigned. Some of them have patches. While I agree that patches are often waiting way to long before at least getting feedback, this is not a topic that we gonna be able to sort out as part of the release management.

I have forwarded the following for the attention of their committers (though I am not sure if all of them are candidates for a merge):
0035696: LazUTF8.SysToUTF8(TFormatSettings) micropatch
0035451: Function DefaultInputDialog creates and free the form without a "try finally" block
0035466: TWin32WSCustomPage.DestroyHandle micropatch
035467: TWindowProcHelper.CalcClipRgn micropatch
0035452: [Patch]Added support for the ofForceShowHidden flag in dialog options for Windows

I am not sure if any of the open/unassigned issue is a regression.


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.4
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2019, 02:35:03 pm »
(no, I'm not on the developer mailing list and probably don't belong there  :D )

I was referring to the public mail list:


This pre-release, last minute check for issues is generally tricky.
We do not want to miss an important fix: new regression, or general bug-fix with low risk of breaking other stuff.
The latter only refers to issues that already have a committed fix. Otherwise we will have a huge list of open issues (that are all important) before each release. And the fact that we are doing a release does not change the manpower we have available. So we unfortunately will not be able to fix every issue just before a release.

Off topic. If replies/discussion are wanted, please open a new thread

Also if you see an issue got fixed and you would like it merged, you can check
And if it is not there, then ask (preferable on the mail list). You may mention the name of the committer in the subject, along with the issue description, and the mention of it being a fixes-merge request.
Of course it is then up to that committer to decide...

As for getting an assignee for an yet unassigned bug, is more tricky and does not have a general rule. Some parts of the code have a single defined maintainer. They are usually picked up by that person.
The rest has often been worked on by many, or by someone who is no longer available. Or is old code that no one remembers... In each case it means, whoever picks up the issue will need to read up an the existing code first. And that means such issues often wait longer before someone eventually picks them up.

Oscar Vazquez

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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.4
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2019, 07:11:07 am »

Excellent, when you activate the Contrains to use it at the Tfield level in the data module.

This would decrease the code in the developments.


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.4
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2019, 09:13:31 am »

This bug prevents the SystemTrayIcon from working on a Debian or Ubuntu based box that has been upgraded from an older version of the OS. Its Linux only, does not (alone) solve the problem for RedHat systems but does no further harm.

I am not the gtk maintainer, so the final answer may differ. But it seems to add new functionality, which means it is probably not making fixes branch at all.
I applied the patch and added it to be merged. It fixes a bug in Ubuntu + its relatives but does not break other Linux systems.
I planned to apply this patch already earlier when I saw it but then I forgot.

Only clear bug fixes should be merged for 2.0.4. There is no reason to merge some minor refactoring commits.
Mostly Lazarus trunk and FPC 3.2 on Manjaro Linux 64-bit.


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.4
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2019, 11:13:21 am »
Excellent, when you activate the Contrains to use it at the Tfield level in the data module.
I am not sure what this refers to exactly. But new feature requests need to be made via the bugtracker

If not certain you can open a new thread here on the forum and discuss it first.


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.4
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2019, 01:48:01 pm »
Since version 2.0, I get a warning about a missing output directory each time when compiling a project. I have already reported this multiple times ("The output directory "D:\" is missing." on each run if the project is saved to disk root (regression),
inappropriate "create output directory" message on every compile, and Release 2.0.0).

Steps to reproduce:
- New project, empty form
- Save both to d:\temp
- In project options, set target filename to D:\project1.exe
- Compile -> Warning about missing output directory

I haven't read anything in the fixes list for 2.0 branch, so I assume this annoyance is still present. I would appreciate if this issue could be solved in 2.0.4.

The note about it being fixed with r59951 is wrong. The issue still occurs in the 2.0.2 release.


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.4
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2019, 04:09:04 pm »
Since version 2.0, I get a warning about a missing output directory each time when compiling a project. I have already reported this multiple times ("The output directory "D:\" is missing." on each run if the project is saved to disk root (regression),

Confirmed, re-opend, and pinged the developer in question.

I can see how it went wrong.

Your issue
was deemed a duplicate (retrospective it is NOT a duplicate).

Your issue however misses the clarity of your post. In your issue you write:
I have set the default output directory (target file name) to "Z:\" (i.e. the root of a drive)
However as you now clarify
In project options, set target filename to D:\project1.exe
It is a file in that directory. (Also you clarify the meaning of "output directory"

Without that clarification, there is no (easy) way to distinguish your issue from the "duplicate".

The "none dup" other issue is indeed fixed. And yours was closed by that time.

Afaik you cannot re-open an issue that someone else reported. Since you still had an issue, you could have (after the other issue was resolved):
- reopened your issue (ideally with the updated steps)
- opened a new issue.
- tried to get attention (which you have now done).
  Ideally on the mail list, since not all developers are on the forum (this particular thread is monitored and I forward relevant entries, but other threads will not have that forwarding).
« Last Edit: July 27, 2019, 04:41:06 pm by Martin_fr »


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.4
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2019, 11:49:25 am »
Lazarus fixed branch currently cannot be compiled since rev. 61639.
Bug 35904.
Swan, ZX Spectrum emulator


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Re: We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.4
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2019, 01:21:57 pm »
first of all thank you very much to all those who work behind this magnificent program (without, me feeling lost  :)).
I found only a message a little annoying (in my case I have a project with many forms, so a message for each form ..).
This message appears only in "Design Time" when I view the form (it does not happen if the form had already been opened and not yet closed).
I attached a small test to display this problem.
The message already shows the relative information (but I would like to avoid using packages to register the form and actually I didn't try anything about it) but I was wondering if there was a way to disable it through some option on Lazarus or better still avoid it from code (preserving the basic structure as much as possible).

Windows 10 64bit
Lazarus 2.0.2 FPC 3.0.4 64bit

Thanks, any help is welcome
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 08:42:25 pm by Phoenix »


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