Use your favourite search engine and type "lazarus strtofloat", and you'll get
Or put the cursor on "StrToFloat" in your source code and press F1 to open the help file.
Or just move the mouse over "StrToFloat" in your source code, wait a short time and a popup will appear to show you the syntax.
So, plenty of possibilities...
You're code will not work, however, even with the correct syntax for StrToFloat. There are several issues:
- The rows in a StringGrid are numbered beginning with zero. The top-most row (having index 0), however, usually as the column title - which is not a number. Therefore, your i loop probably must skip the title and start with 1.
- The end of your i-loop is StringGrid.RowCount - this is too much. Because when the first index is 0 then the last index must be RowCount-1
- Your data array "Values" is dimensioned to hold 12 elements. What if there are more rows than that? What, if less?
The following code should work (untested, though)
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
i: Integer;
Values: array[1..12] of double;
for i := 1 to 12 do
if i < strGrid.RowCount then
Values[i] := StrToFloat(StrGrid.Cells[2, i])
Values[i] := 0; // Replacement value when grid has less rows than checked out.