Re: line style code in Cocoa. I have made additional comments to your changes as reported in Mantis #0034744. Would you be able to review please?
from #34744
1) Thank you for implementing the added cosmetic pen styles.
nah. thank you for the patch.
2) The modification to the patterns for geometric pens is not implemented. I have attached powerpoint slides as evidence that better comparison is possible. These show even better agreement with Windows than my earlier patch.
ok. need to do more work (as shown on slide 6)
3) I have attached a zipped project of the test harness I used to comparing line styles.
test project is helpful indeed. mind if I publish it? (on github?)
4) There is no change to the Carbon implementation. Is this to remain legacy?
Yes. well, maybe THIS issue would trigger the change. But honestly, I don't really want to do ANY updates to carbon.
(I'd rather make cocoa run on prior version of macOS instead

aside question. what are you developing?
I've never seen ANY developer to prepare a powerpoint presentation as an evidence of (non)working code.
upd: please try the latest trunk. Geometric styles should now be much better.