Maybe my first question should be where do I go with KOL-CE questions.....
Anyway, since I started here with KOL-CE, I'll ask it here.
I had some problems installing KOL-CE, so I ended up uninstalling Lazarus completely, and reinstalling it from scratch. I installed Lazarus 0.9.23 with FPC 2.2.1, and then the arm-wince FPC 2.2.1 part, then KOL-CE 2.80 all together. I followed the direction
here on creating a project. I added a button to the form after I opened the new lpi file, and double clicked on the button to add a Click event to it.
I got an error screen:
The component editor of class "TKOLObjectCompEditor"has created the error:
"Unable to find method. Plz fix the error shown in the message window."
The messagew window said:
unit1.pas (9,37) Error: unit not found: Classes
Lines 8, 9 and 10 of unit1.pas is:
uses Windows, Messages, KOL {place your units here->}
{$IFDEF LAZIDE_MCK}, Forms, mirror, Classes, Controls, mckCtrls, mckObjs, Graphics;
{$ELSE} ; {$ENDIF}
What am I doing wrong?