Would greatly value any working example that anyone might provide on how to upload files from client (lazarus desktop application) to server (Apache).
Member GetMem provided an example a couple of years back in the following post:
https://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/topic,44795.msg410118.html#msg410118But I have not been able to get this to work. Despite many available examples I have not been able to get any to work. Most examples tend to presume implicit knowledge which makes comprehending/testing/debugging extra difficult. I have little to no expertise in server side development.
Here is the scenario:
I have an Apache server set up with a var/www/mydomain/
Within that I have a folder named: test/ to store the uploaded files from the client.
I have appended the hosts file to point to mydomain and tested it. So for instance
http://mydomain/index.html works.
I would need some PHP script named for instance upload.php to handle the upload. The script can be placed in var/www/mydomain/upload.php
I would prefer to use fphttpclient or synapse.
Any ideas/examples? Questions, comments?
Would really appreciate the input.
Many thanks.