plz launch my dosbox install and follow what i did, you'll see i am right
Don't need to, I have my own DOSBox install with quite a lot more than just TP7 and FPC, incuding Turbo Pascal from 3.02 to the full BP 7.01
tp7.1 protmode is 32 bit they had to work with win95
its NOT tp5.5 where i have to agree with you
No, it's not. Check the documentation. By the time Win95 came about Borland was already on Delphi
2 and Turbo Pascal had been superceeded by Delphi quite a few years ago.
BTW, the first TP with DMPI-extended compiler/IDE was TP6.0, not TP5.5
But the point, really, is that the message you're seeing is TPX telling you it can't initialize its 16-bit extender. Why? Because a 32-bit one, CWSDPMI, is already loaded. I've seen that kind of message before, while trying to load BP from the shell of a DJGPP program.